ActivityPub Plugin

There could be a few reasons for that, including an issue in mastodon. Updating the name is tested and used functionality in the plugin and should work with Mastodon. Could you give me a bit more detail on the following:

  1. What version of the plugin and discourse you’re using.
  2. A link to the category with the actor, and the handle of the category.
  3. When you say the name “doesn’t update on mastodon” could you tell me how you’re testing that.

Yes, i’m using 3.3.0.beta3-dev (006169f782). My last rebuild was from 2 days ago. The plugin IS the latest. There’s no update available.

Here’s the category

And the handle:

I put it in Admin > Plugins > ActivityPub > “Edit Actor”, and i click “Save”. There’s no changes.

What have you changed the name from and what have you changed it to? And where are you testing whether it is updated?

I changed from “Vale Tudo VT” to only “Vale Tudo”.

Want to see it here: Mastodon

I’ve just looked up “” on a couple of times and the name has been successfully changed. It looks like you’re testing out a few different names. It’s currently “Vale Tudo - Fórum Jogos”.

:point_right: Tip: If the actor details are not updating for some reason, you can force any Mastodon instance to get the latest version of your actor by doing a search for your actor’s handle on that instance. Mastodon will update it’s local copy of a remote actor when you do that.

Note that we’ll be adding explicit Update > Actor support (which will make this happen in realtime) soon.


I just saw it. I have tested now on the app and it’s works. Thank you Angus

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Note that this was fixed in the PR just merged. You can now suspend ActivityPub users.


Can it works to federate bot accounts?

I searched for 3 bot accounts handle to federate, and always get a “Could not find” error. But it’s works with accounts not tagged as bot

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ActivityPub still is experimental and many trouble are here yet but the first one its about title and mastodon not provide this cause the struture are not like discourse this is a problem to my instance.

Can’t I federate accounts or sublemmys from lemmy instances idk why.

Could you explain what you mean a bit more here?

Could you also explain what you mean by this too? Maybe walk me through what exactly you’re trying to do.

Yes, Mastodon is a microblogging platform so a topic in Discourse is never going to translate exactly to it. Keep in mind that you can federate with other Discourse instances, or other forum software that supports federations such as NodeBB. The topics will be effectively the same on other ActivityPub-enabled forum software.

I haven’t tested extensively with Lemmy on the current version of the plugin, however I’m working with the creator of Lemmy on that front, see e.g.

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There’s a example. A bot account i cant find and follow. I have already searched for 5 others bots, but none works

Another example:


Thanks for explaining. Yes, that’s expected currently. We’re slowly adding more support as the need arises, and as we think through the implications. Currently we have not yet allowed Discourse actors to follow Service actors (which is what Mastodon marks the accounts you’ve referred to as being). We may add support for them soon.


A question from a newbie… I installed the plugin and to use it, I have to have a own mastodon server, right?

I have a mastodon account (, but when I use the plugin, my url is used as a mastodon handle, that I can’t connect to my existing account, right?


Pretty sure whether you run your own mastodon instance is irrelevant when it comes to the activitypub plugin


If so, how can I connect my … to the plugin instead of the url of my discourse installation?

Hey @mynoxin, hang tight for a few days. I’m working on new documentation for this plugin with some how-to videos which should make this much clearer :slight_smile:

A strange thing: As a normal user, you cannot mute/ignore the user created by the ActivityPub plugin. Is it a bug?

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