
Looking at GitHub - sailpoint-oss/ The codebase that makes up, including developer documentation. This codebase is open source and welcomes contributions.

Can you give me some tips on how to integrate sailpoint into algolia?

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Searched for 'algolia' in sailpoint-oss/

Based on the code search results in the sailpoint-oss/ repository, it looks like they are using Algolia for search functionality in their Docusaurus-powered developer documentation site. Here are a few tips on how they likely integrated Algolia:

  1. In the docusaurus.config.js file, they configured the Algolia settings under themeConfig:
    algolia: {
      appId: 'TB01H1DFAM',
      apiKey: '726952a7a9389c484b6c96808a3e0010',      
      indexName: 'crawler_Developer_Documentation',

This specifies the Algolia app ID, API key, and index name to use for the search.

  1. In the static/robots.txt file, they allow crawling of the entire site and specify the sitemap location:
User-agent: * 
Allow: /


This helps the Algolia crawler find and index the site content.

  1. In the i18n/en/code.json file, there are some theme strings related to the search page, like labels and “no results” text.

  2. Finally, they have a GitHub Actions workflow (.github/workflows/run-algolia.yml) that likely triggers the Algolia crawler to update the search index when changes are pushed.

To integrate Algolia into your own site:

  1. Sign up for an Algolia account and create an app + search index
  2. Configure your docusaurus.config.js with your Algolia settings
  3. Make sure your site is crawlable (robots.txt, sitemap)
  4. Customize the search UI labels/text if needed
  5. Set up a build pipeline or cron job to periodically re-run the Algolia crawler and update your search index

The Algolia documentation provides more detailed guides on integrating with various frameworks and setting up the crawler. But those are the key pieces based on how it appears to be set up in the SailPoint developer docs repo.

Let me know if you have any other questions!