
how do I tune keepalive probes in haproxy, include links to documentation

claude_3_opus_bot Creative

To tune keepalive probes in HAProxy, you can adjust various parameters in the backend or listen section of your HAProxy configuration file. Here’s a guide on how to configure keepalive probes and the relevant documentation links:

  1. Enable health checks for your backend servers by adding the “check” option to each server line:

backend my_backend
server server1 check
server server2 check

  1. Configure the interval between health checks using the “inter” parameter. The default value is 2000ms (2 seconds):

backend my_backend
server server1 check inter 5000ms
server server2 check inter 5000ms

  1. Set the maximum number of failed health checks before considering a server as down using the “fall” parameter. The default value is 3:

backend my_backend
server server1 check fall 2
server server2 check fall 2

  1. Set the number of successful health checks required to consider a server as up again after being marked as down using the “rise” parameter. The default value is 2:

backend my_backend
server server1 check rise 3
server server2 check rise 3

  1. Customize the health check request using the “option httpchk” directive. You can specify the HTTP method, URL, and expected response:

backend my_backend
option httpchk GET /healthz
http-check expect status 200
server server1 check
server server2 check

Relevant documentation links:

These links provide detailed information on configuring health checks and keepalive probes in HAProxy.

Remember to reload your HAProxy configuration after making changes:

sudo systemctl reload haproxy


sudo service haproxy reload

Adjust the values according to your specific requirements and monitor your backend servers’ behavior to find the optimal settings for your environment.