5 replies
January 2022

codinghorror co-founder

Another neat little thing that went out in this release, a quick shortcut for adding hyperlinks to a post. Here’s how:

  1. Copy any URL to your clipboard, say https://example.com
  2. Select some text in the editor.
  3. Press the paste key.

Doing this will turn the selected text into a link, → like so ← … thanks @gwwar for this cool outside contribution! :wave:

January 2022


Thank you everyone that makes Discourse awesome! I remember having to make the hard decision of picking a forum software years ago and I’m confident that I made the right decision! I can’t wait to see what’s next!

January 2022

not-ethan Support Enthusiast

A few QOL changes. It’s nice when I’m just browsing. Now, all we need is multiple topic drafts.

February 2022

not-ethan Support Enthusiast

Is this part of the release or a setting the forum admins made?
The number of topics is per month and not per week.

1 reply
February 2022

Moin Kluges Köpfchen

This post explains when week, month or a total count are shown.