8 replies
February 2017


Time to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the developers and contributors. I really appreciate your work and am very grateful for it.

Well done!

February 2017

SidV Tester

There is nothing like Discourse.
Impossible to compare with “the forum/board” or “the community” or “the bulletin” that crosses your mind.

I am very very very happy to have encouraged myself to make the leap and move forward.
Here it is always forward (as Luke Cage says). :wink: :thumbsup:

Thank you very much to the team, and to the whole community.
The support and “customer service” here are simply exceptional.

Regards from Argentine :allthethings:

February 2017

codinghorror co-founder

One thing I should have added, but neglected to, is that @falco and @blake were hired from the community here on meta!

We love hiring from our community, and nothing makes me happier than converting avid Discourse community members into real live team members so they can work on something they :heart: alongside us, all day, every day.

February 2017


@codinghorror to be honest it’s a great open source app to use for forums. I’aven’t seen in my carrier. I become a fan of this open source from the last few months. But still didn’t tried it. You guys are done a great job for all world forum community fiverr.com is also using the discourse for their forum :heart_eyes: :smiley:

February 2017


Thanks to all Developers. Amazing Open source project I have known after Blender3D. Best of luck for future endeavours. :slight_smile:

February 2017


Happy Birthday to Discourse, well done to the team behind it and all the contributors. Here’s to your next 4 and beyond :champagne:

February 2017


Congratulations and Happy Birthday. I was skeptical of forums and preferred mailing lists for many years, but Discourse demonstrated that the problem was with how the forums were done, not the concept itself. Discourse is clearly a far better solution and has dramatically improved the community surrounding Keyboard Maestro. Fantastic results, so thank you to you and all your team for all the hard work!

November 2017


This solves so many problems out of the box. And the support has been great. Happy anniversary! :ring: :smile: