sam | 2023-10-24 13:22:39 UTC | #1 > :mega: This plugin is now bundled with Discourse core and is enabled by default**. There is no need to install the plugin separately. |||| -|-|-| :discourse2: | **Summary** | **Discourse Spoiler Alert** provides the ability to hide content marked with a `[spoiler]` tag in posts. :hammer_and_wrench: | **Repository Link** | ~~~~ :open_book: | **Install Guide** | [How to install plugins in Discourse]( [quote] :discourse2: As this is an #official plugin maintained by the Discourse team, #support, #bug, #ux, and #feature requests can be made in the respective categories here on Meta, and tagged with the appropriate plugin tag. Click on a link below to get one started. :+1: [:question: **Support**](>%20Before%20asking,%20did%20you%20search%20first%3F%20Press%20🔍%20at%20the%20upper%20right%20to%20search.&tags=spoiler-alert "Ask for support on configuring and using Discourse Spoiler Alert") [:bug: **Bug**]( " A bug report means something is broken, preventing normal/typical use of the plugin") [:eyes: **UX**]( "Discussion about the user interface of Discourse Spoiler Alert, and how features are presented (including language and UI elements)") [:bulb: **Feature**]( "Discussion about how existing Discourse Spoiler Alert features can be improved or enhanced, and how proposed new features could work") [/quote] ### Enabling Spoiler Alert This plugin is default enabled once installed but can be disabled/enabled from its settings, accessed from your `admin/plugins` page: ![enable spoiler|690x41](upload://ykeqKdKEVSZyDfHLPVaDUoYwzP.png) ### Features Once enabled it adds a 'Blur Spoiler' option to the :gear: menu in the composer's formatting bar. Simply highlight the text you'd like to blur and select 'blur spoiler' and it will wrap the selected text in the necessary `[spoiler]` tags: ![blur spoiler option|690x238](upload://uKogZB4ZTKilpem9dVjIrUwTeW4.png) #### Examples: Inline: ``` [spoiler]This is a spoiler[/spoiler] ``` [spoiler]This is a spoiler[/spoiler] Multiline: ``` [spoiler] I wanna be your vacuum cleaner Breathing in your dust I wanna be your Ford Cortina I will never rust If you like your coffee hot Let me be your coffee pot You call the shots I wanna be yours [/spoiler] ``` [spoiler] I wanna be your vacuum cleaner Breathing in your dust I wanna be your Ford Cortina I will never rust If you like your coffee hot Let me be your coffee pot You call the shots I wanna be yours [/spoiler] Clicking on the blur will reveal the hidden text, and clicking again will re-blur it. It also works for images: (to re-blur an image that is large enough to generate a lightbox, you can click on the adjacent white space or refresh the page) [spoiler] ![spoiler image example|572x500, 65%](upload://5f7NIDf76wcwnLVXJ1Q3YLJjiqK.jpeg) [/spoiler] ### Settings | Name | Description |-|-| | spoiler enabled | Enable the spoiler plugin. If you change this, you must rebake all posts with: "rake posts:rebake"^[:discourse2: If you're a hosted customer of ours, please contact if you have any questions about needing to 'rebake' due to a setting change] > :discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on all of our hosting tiers ------------------------- pfaffman | 2023-10-24 12:58:57 UTC | #109 Moved to core: ------------------------- JammyDodger | 2023-10-24 16:00:27 UTC | #110 :information_source: **Discourse Spoiler Alert** has now been bundled with Discourse core, so this plugin will no longer need to be installed separately. :partying_face: If you self-host you should see some information on your dashboard about removing it from your `app.yml`. >:discourse2: Hosted by us? This change will not affect you in any way. :+1: You can continue to enjoy this plugin and not worry about a thing. ------------------------- ismailarilik | 2023-12-15 21:10:10 UTC | #111 I don't understand why this plugin is enabled by default. Isn't it only useful for movie forums? ------------------------- Jagster | 2023-12-15 21:23:57 UTC | #112 There are plenty of reason to hide text than movie spoilers. More than punchlines of jokes. -------------------------