jordan-vidrine | 2023-09-19 19:32:07 UTC | #1 |||| -|-|-| :discourse2: | **Summary** | **Discourse Air Theme** is a clean & modern theme with a handful of theme-components included to enhance your forum! :hammer_and_wrench: | **Repository Link** | :open_book: |**New to Discourse Themes?** | [Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes]( [wrap=theme-install-button repoUrl="" repoName="Discourse Air Theme"] Install this theme [/wrap] **Light Mode** ![image|690x436, 75%](upload://bIQ41HhRinO1nx5AAyzyyQlQghO.png) **Dark Mode** ![image|690x451, 75%](upload://hBbMvo5mWzz1MhN61gON2sVF3cJ.png) **Categories Page** ![image|690x427, 75%](upload://r45xO2DjHHOfeFXqfJiLPFmZb4S.png) This theme includes a handful of components to enhance your forum as well. - Dark Light Scheme Toggle - Clickable Topics - Discourse Search Banner - Modern Category + Group Boxes > :exclamation: Please read through these tips upon installation, as there are a couple of settings that **NEED TO BE ENABLED** for this to theme to render properly. --- # Tips ### Dark Light Scheme Toggle ![image|424x500, 50%](upload://4jVUShWr2c4YJ7G8BuQLsYjtcns.png) For this to work properly, at least 2 color scheme choices need to be enabled in your `` area. At least two colors need to have `color scheme can be selected by users` enabled. ![image|690x207, 50%](upload://q7loUYGgnj6tZrpmJY35bYWn1A7.png) Once this is done, users should be able to choose between two color schemes as their `light` and `dark` preferences in their user preferences interface menu. ![image|689x338, 50%](upload://3t1ALcb0jM3LYYV42UkCJKzoGRB.png) ___ ## Discourse Search Banner In the options for the `discourse-search-banner` theme component, the `plugin-outlet` options needs to be set to **BELOW-SITE-HEADER** for this theme to render properly. ![image|690x75, 75%](upload://oDLDpiwtl7KGiuZkOEVfGNDx26h.png) ___ ## Modern Category + Group Boxes This theme component requires your categories to use the **CATEGORY BOXES WITH SUBCATEGORIES** setting in your `/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=categories` area. ![image|690x64, 75%](upload://rKoXFCRNnRy048InNEAldsHTAkl.png) This theme component also allows the forum admin to organize their category page with header titles, and choose which categories appear under each header. To keep things simple, I have only allowed up to 5 headings to be used. **If no categories + heading settings are chosen, all categories will render as they do above, this is the default rendering option.** ___ Feel free to post any issues here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I hope you enjoy! ------------------------- Don | 2021-07-20 20:48:13 UTC | #2 That is just amazing Jordan! :heart_eyes: I love it! ------------------------- th21 | 2021-07-20 23:01:10 UTC | #5 It will be helpful if the welcome message can be hide when left locale field empty :+1: ------------------------- oshyan | 2021-07-21 00:36:53 UTC | #6 Oh wow, this looks really nice! Thank you for the share. :-) ------------------------- itsbhanusharma | 2021-07-21 02:40:01 UTC | #7 This theme gives discourse the modern look it deserves. Very well done @jordan-vidrine ------------------------- Ahmed_Gagan | 2021-07-21 04:19:48 UTC | #8 Theme looks amazing. Awesome work 😍 ------------------------- thegurjyot | 2021-07-21 05:09:26 UTC | #9 This theme looks so amazing. Hope we can get this category page design as a separate component as well. It is looking way better this way. ❤️ ------------------------- frold | 2021-07-21 13:53:32 UTC | #11 Thanks it is nice... First time I install a new theme. I really like this one!! ------------------------- Jeremie_Leroy | 2021-08-03 15:24:52 UTC | #79 Hi @jordan-vidrine regarding the # of views column, what kind of code shall i add in the component to override that column being hidden ? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2021-08-03 15:54:34 UTC | #80 I believe this should work: ```scss .full-width .contents .topic-list thead th.posts { width: 10%; } .full-width .contents .topic-list thead th.activity { width: 10%; order: 4; } th.num.views { width: 10%; order: 3; display: block; } .full-width .contents .topic-list tbody tr:not(.topic-list-item-separator) td.posts { width: 10%; order: 2; } .topic-list .views { width: 10%; order: 3; } .full-width .contents .topic-list tbody tr:not(.topic-list-item-separator) td.age { width: 10%; order: 4; } ``` ------------------------- ggurbet | 2021-08-25 14:12:40 UTC | #106 Refreshingly beautiful. Great work @jordan-vidrine! ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2021-12-21 20:30:45 UTC | #169 Have you made sure to go through this part of the theme setup? [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:1, topic:197703"] ## Modern Category + Group Boxes This theme component requires your categories to use the **CATEGORY BOXES WITH SUBCATEGORIES** setting in your `/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=categories` area. ![image](upload://rKoXFCRNnRy048InNEAldsHTAkl) This theme component also allows the forum admin to organize their category page with header titles, and choose which categories appear under each header. To keep things simple, I have only allowed up to 5 headings to be used. **If no categories + heading settings are chosen, all categories will render as they do above, this is the default rendering option.** [/quote] ------------------------- heshfekry | 2021-12-28 16:45:45 UTC | #176 Hi there, Love the theme. How does this them work with discourse voting, It seems to be hidden? ------------------------- ShubhayanS | 2022-01-17 00:39:44 UTC | #182 Is there any possibility to change the header text "Welcome to the forum" ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-01-17 15:04:49 UTC | #183 Yes, this can be edited in the `Discourse Search Banner` component :+1: ------------------------- Jerdeman | 2022-01-17 15:34:15 UTC | #184 A while back I posted an issue with not seeing the categories on a mobile view ( I messaged a bit with @jordan-vidrine, but we were unable to get to the root of the issue. Hopefully someone else has some ideas. *For the details* Using a clean install of Discourse 2.7.11 on kubernetes with the help of a helm chart from Bitnami, and the latest version of the theme installed and configured as mentioned in the opening post, we do not see any categories on a mobile view and styling is off on the latest page. *What we tried* Besides using a clean install, we attempted to use some older versions of the theme as well. The problem however remained, but we did not exhaustively tried all versions. We also compared the html on our instance with that of [ ](, and noticed that it is significantly different. *Gut feeling* As we cannot use a 'beta' version, my gut feeling tells me this is a compatibility issue between the theme or one of its plugins and Discourse 2.7. I'd love to know if someone has this theme working on 2.7, and if so with which versions of the theme and relevant plugins. *Question* Has somebody got this theme working with 2.7 and/or are there any clues on what we could do to get this working? ------------------------- Hyeonji_Kim | 2022-01-23 08:15:01 UTC | #185 Hi. first, Thank you for this great theme :smile: I want to change font-family, How can I do that. I try this :point_down: - download this Theme , and change Font setting on SITE SETTING --> Not work - add `@import{web font link ~~~ }` code in Desktop.css, mobile.css --> Not work Which file should I modify to modify the font??? :sob: ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-01-24 15:35:31 UTC | #186 I believe you should be able to set a customized font without a component here: `admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=font` If you want more customization, I believe the google fonts theme component you linked would work. Though, the theme uses `theme-settings` and not a site setting I believe. Have you brought this issue up in the topic for that font component? ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-01-26 05:24:27 UTC | #187 Hello everyone, can anyone help me change the sizing and "fixed nature" of the background color on mobile? The css for mobile is transparent on my end. And I just need a little guidance on changing the fixed background for the background colors. If I'm not mistaken there's a header background and a page background correct? ![IMG_1199|video](upload://nhKTV1q9OREOL4uPso8Fxu62fQB.MP4) ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-01-26 16:04:52 UTC | #188 This is because the theme and its included components are fairly picky about how the site is set up. In the OP I shared that: [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:1, topic:197703"] ## Modern Category + Group Boxes This theme component requires your categories to use the **CATEGORY BOXES WITH SUBCATEGORIES** setting in your `/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=categories` area. ![image](upload://rKoXFCRNnRy048InNEAldsHTAkl) This theme component also allows the forum admin to organize their category page with header titles, and choose which categories appear under each header. To keep things simple, I have only allowed up to 5 headings to be used. **If no categories + heading settings are chosen, all categories will render as they do above, this is the default rendering option.** [/quote] ------------------------- Nerd_Alert | 2022-01-31 14:31:06 UTC | #189 is there any way to make the background an image? i'd rather have an image than colors. using ``` body { background-image: url("image url here"); background-color: #cccccc; } ``` makes the top of the color thing the image, but not the bottom. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-01-31 15:02:57 UTC | #190 What you did is fine to add the image, but you will also want to remove the clipping path that is created to give that overlay affect. ```css html .background-container { clip-path: unset; } ``` ------------------------- Nerd_Alert | 2022-01-31 15:29:39 UTC | #191 thank you! i knew i was missing something simple. ------------------------- GVG | 2022-02-01 09:58:32 UTC | #192 Great theme! Please, explain how your theme works in terms of speed and weight - does all your theme works by replacing (instead of) default html/style/CSS Discourse theme or when users load Discourse pages at their browsers your them include all default Discourse html/style/CSS and work over it as higher CSS etc? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-01 16:52:37 UTC | #193 [quote="GVG, post:192, topic:197703"] how your theme works in terms of speed and weight [/quote] We try to get our themes working pretty seamlessly with Discourse. I do not believe I override any core components or HTML in this theme and its included components. Most of these visual changes are achieved with SCSS as per usual in our themes. Feel free to browse through the git repos of the theme and it's included components to see how they were implemented :+1: ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-01 19:34:56 UTC | #194 @jordan-vidrine There is a bug with Air theme and the [Chat plugin]( when enable chat it's look like this: ![chat-bug-air-theme|690x205](upload://suBeTZ4L1iVPedCNPTZxYjR4LjS.png) Here is how it's look when i make zoom-out ![Screenshot at 2022-02-01 23-23-25|690x369](upload://3UIZLela2A6Ct5oPXpBFsvO3Nvh.png) any suggestion how to fix this ? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-01 20:13:54 UTC | #195 Thanks for bringing this to my attention. This theme wasn't written to support chat, *but* I can definitely make the necessary adjustments to let it work properly with it. ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-01 20:19:25 UTC | #196 I'm sure you can, and it will be 100% compatible with your Lovely Theme) ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-01 20:21:31 UTC | #197 I want also to ask a question regard how could we enable the categories (boxed) down and latest up like this [demo]( It would be great idea to change the Meta layout with Air Theme. ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-04 22:19:37 UTC | #204 another bug founded in the feature tabs; when we using the tables of context layout ![Screenshot at 2022-02-05 02-16-27|690x257](upload://izxkRPxvlK6E4rua97rUm3KbzbI.png) Should i note everything here @jordan-vidrine ? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-07 01:27:49 UTC | #205 Yep! Any bugs you find in this theme are good to post here. Thanks! ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-07 07:07:46 UTC | #206 Thanks, i will.. but unfortunately i decide to stop using it until the next update since... could we know when the next update is coming ? ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-08 11:27:12 UTC | #207 Hi Jordan, I notice that discotoc component wouldn't work correctly in the sub-font ( bold ) as ![image|236x330](upload://xFu6wJEj4KsfNsWv7uivG0I9mOh.png) It would be good idea to add this code in the CSS; ``` .d-toc-heading > li > a { font-weight: bold; } ``` and mention this code to work for sub-sub-sub-context inside the table to be "BOLD". Thanks. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-08 13:48:51 UTC | #208 I don’t believe that this component normally sets the smaller sub headings as bold. Although I may be misunderstanding you. Have you seen something that works normally in discotoc, *not* work properly in this theme? ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-08 13:50:34 UTC | #209 Well actually it was easy to add a component in the theme for this and it's works fine after that. ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-09 08:17:13 UTC | #210 Jordan can you find out how we can add [Restricted Category]( to the boxes style ? ------------------------- daming | 2022-02-10 03:50:09 UTC | #211 I have a suggestion: maybe can add a data display of views to the main interface of the post. This gives users direct access to the most popular posts in the community. ### now ![air|690x418](upload://gLRkOL5rcJwdhv55T9oCV1BoSNO.jpeg) ### like this ![views|690x421](upload://oGuxBEQtkYntjLe7UVObBeUQJjU.jpeg) @jordan-vidrine ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-10 07:39:00 UTC | #212 somehow with no reason as i remmber i get this error from the [search component](, it was working fine with airtheme... but now i get this error ![Screenshot at 2022-02-10 11-35-41|690x298](upload://gmmXBWZjtWA1Q4nPA6vvocSadZL.png) any suggestion ? ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 16:35:36 UTC | #213 Is there a way to change the background image of this theme from the gradient 2 tone colors to an image I have? ![LFX_BG|291x500](upload://iJJL8vDfuTgFybIJWkO6FIFMytF.jpeg) ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 16:48:33 UTC | #214 Is this on the air theme? Or are you using this component separate from the theme? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 16:52:56 UTC | #215 Sure! You would just want to target this element like so: ```scss html .background-container { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; background: url(….jpeg); background-size: cover; /* background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--tertiary-hover) 0%, var(--tertiary) 100%); */ clip-path: ellipse(148% 70% at 91% -14%); ``` Here is how that looked locally when editing through Chrome's inspector. ![image|690x385](upload://auxXyGxKYhtPsI8Y8v3qUnfWYw5.jpeg) ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 16:53:59 UTC | #216 Yes but what if I want that to be the background without the 2 elements? @jordan-vidrine ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 16:57:06 UTC | #217 I want to use this with the air theme because I like the boxes and category setup ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 16:59:38 UTC | #218 So you want no grey area cutting into the background image? If so, you would use the same code above, but `unset` the clip-path property. ```scss html .background-container { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; background: url(….jpeg); background-size: cover; clip-path: unset; ``` This actually looks really nice with your image! ![image|690x464](upload://phxor8t3WB90CBE6FROAlqFqJ5n.jpeg) ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 16:59:27 UTC | #219 Ahh gotcha thank you! ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 19:14:46 UTC | #220 5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Search banner theme component](/t/search-banner-theme-component/122939/53) ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-10 18:14:09 UTC | #222 how to apply this code ? where to put it exactly please ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 18:37:21 UTC | #223 Feel free to read through the following topics to get a better sense of how to customize the look and feel of your site :+1: As well as these: [Designer’s Guide to Discourse Themes]( [Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes]( ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 19:15:23 UTC | #224 Thank you so much @jordan-vidrine so I have implemented the changes and this may not be on the theme necessarily but my versatile banner, but the background is duplicated across my versatile banner as well and this is the only change I made on discourse air ``` left: 0; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; background: #003366; clip-path: ellipse(148% 70% at 91% -14%); background: url(; clip-path: unset; } } ``` This is how my page looks now: is this something I need to change in versatile banner or something on the air theme? ![msedge_roZowUqwkf|690x370](upload://kuGVreGKAzylg1Y7JXqbGn3kGSc.jpeg) I do not have a background image or color set for versatile banner. ![msedge_d2stDXTOPa|690x497](upload://gof1kAq6RKGGrzTtHSLEt2jkHxi.png) Any suggestions? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-10 19:17:03 UTC | #225 You can try `background-size: cover;` or play around with variations on that. More info here could also be helpful ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 19:19:19 UTC | #226 Ahh gotcha, will do. It is the sizing when I zoom out the image just repeats: ![msedge_JWlBATqHXR|690x338](upload://d0gy8E0eEWrjnY7I3qwfnEBo6mH.jpeg) You think I should remove the height and width padding too? I'll play around with the background-size: thank you! ------------------------- hequaye | 2022-02-10 19:21:57 UTC | #227 ``` .background-container { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; background: url(; background-size: cover; clip-path: unset; ``` Works perfectly thank you! ------------------------- daming | 2022-02-14 08:15:28 UTC | #228 Does anyone know how to change the header text size and color in the front page? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-14 16:02:43 UTC | #229 I'd direct you here to get a better sense of how Discourse works, and how to customize areas of the site. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-15 15:43:59 UTC | #230 A post was merged into an existing topic: [Dark / Light mode toggle component](/t/dark-light-mode-toggle-component/215585/21) ------------------------- daming | 2022-02-16 04:25:15 UTC | #231 Thank you ! ------------ ------------------------- vsiryxm | 2022-02-16 08:45:47 UTC | #232 Hello, how do I install this theme, what is the name of the theme? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-16 14:41:23 UTC | #233 At the very bottom of the first post of this topic is a table showing this information. This was probably not easily seen as there are a good bit of steps to set this theme up correctly. Please read through the first post, as well as the links for installing a theme and let us know if you encounter any issues :+1: [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:1, topic:197703"] |||| | --- | --- | --- | |:eyeglasses:|**Preview**|[ ](| |:hammer_and_wrench:|**Repository**|[GitHub - discourse/discourse-air: A modern theme with a dark mode option. ](| |:question:|**Install Guide**|[How to install a theme or theme component ](| |:open_book:|**New to Discourse Themes?**|[Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes ](| [/quote] ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-16 18:11:10 UTC | #234 any idea how to change this font color as we create a component for that ? this issue only in mobile component can be only for mobile design ![0fb1a2af-661e-411b-b5d1-5b6c846a51d6|281x499](upload://1KrPMRQbbCkeftXRXc35vhtWM8Q.jpeg) search button ![7310f019-61ed-4b38-981f-03e73e478302|281x499](upload://zqCOPXeSNfs0HRyYut0woOJmWsq.jpeg) footer search ![181d2f20-91c2-48f2-9830-b4b7f7218f57|281x499](upload://vB4nrfnf7kpW8Rj0QNegeJWxw9n.jpeg) ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-16 18:10:25 UTC | #235 Hmm :thinking: , it's hard to tell from your screenshot what page you are on, or what specific font you are referring to. In the image you have shared there are 4 or more different text items that could possible be customized. You seem to be interested in customizing a good bit of Discourse for yourself, which is awesome :raised_hands: I would suggest to read through the following topics to get a better sense of how to customize the look and feel of your site :+1: As well as these: [Designer’s Guide to Discourse Themes ]( [Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes]( ------------------------- f1r4s | 2022-02-16 18:11:36 UTC | #236 Jordan, i see your above and last messages is all mention to read more, i understand that and i respect it, but please note i'm not designer and i spend almost a week customize the theme with my basic knowledge.. and i'm not a rich to spend $500 customize on my "not profit community". so consider assist us in this will be apprecaite it not for me, for other user community who will definitely like your theme with them basic knowledge in customization. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-16 18:14:24 UTC | #237 The best thing about Discourse is while there *is* of course a learning curve (as with anything technical these days), you are highly capable of being able to customize the things you wish to customize. I promise! We write these topics to help our community to learn how to do things on their own, and sometimes when things get a little too difficult, we are always here to help. That being said, the help you are asking for can definitely be attained by reading through the topics I linked earlier! ------------------------- Arta_S | 2022-02-21 07:46:52 UTC | #239 Is it possible to bring back the number of views alongside latest activity and number of responses? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-02-21 12:41:09 UTC | #240 You should be able to do so in a theme component. I’m not at a computer right now, but I’d you inspect the topic list element with a browser inspector like chrome, you should be able to see which rows have been hidden with css. You can then target those rows to make them visible with a custom theme component. ------------------------- yhmtsai | 2022-03-13 21:59:38 UTC | #241 Hi, I use Air Theme with [Topic List Thumbnails Theme Component - theme - Discourse Meta]( theme component grid mode. However, the topic arrangement is different grid view from other theme did. for example, ![image|690x355](upload://7dxahcRQwNTsmRmOPH2MpcDnAGd.jpeg) other theme with the component, ![image|690x163](upload://rfFvf03Qq0wJrjpHRUM25ALQc9x.jpeg) Is it a issue or is there any suggested theme component to show the thumbnail of topic? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-03-14 14:27:15 UTC | #242 Can you try the `list` mode instead? The air theme customizes the topic list, as does the thumbnails theme component, so the two will not interact together very well. ------------------------- yhmtsai | 2022-03-15 20:59:43 UTC | #243 Thanks, I try the list mode with air theme. It looks good with list mode ![image|690x313](upload://v4Ce7lXWJvoc6WnTKzkdt3oSH5Y.jpeg) ------------------------- cookieman768 | 2022-03-25 00:07:44 UTC | #244 Is there a way to make the theme use higher resolution profile pictures on the category view? The images appear very fuzzy, and I would like to avoid just directly changing the theme, so I can receive updates. ![image|80x500](upload://rn7LqQeXPAceXRK6REzkeIQrGkw.png) ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-03-25 13:30:11 UTC | #245 That is a good question, I will look into this :+1: ------------------------- piffy | 2022-03-27 05:28:10 UTC | #246 Thanks for the theme! There's a subtle mobile issue I've noticed. It *could* be due to a change in the discourse source. I say this because the issue is present on my site (and the however it does not seem to be present on the test site linked in the OP It's a formatting issue on the topic list. I've highlighted a few issues. 1) vertical alignment of title and postcount (red) 2) gap between date and bottom of the element (green) 3) horizontal gap between avatar and left side (blue) 4) misaligment of dates (yellow) and postcount sometimes (not shown) 5) forgot to annotate it, but the content sometimes spills over onto the post count number []( ![themecreator|432x500](upload://eGtzsfvZmpIHpeEZM6zKYw02NOT.png) []( ![jordan|385x500](upload://hOyiLGndu2kUoRPAv0Szv0qvTau.png) I wanted to highlight the difference between topic-list-data in the inspector. ![inspect|432x500](upload://vOp7fxbLni5EOmFhh4FSHsJt8ph.png) Hope the issue is clear. Thanks again ------------------------- ammar37 | 2022-04-05 05:54:35 UTC | #250 Hi @jordan-vidrine and contributors of this theme, would like to say thank you so much for such an amazing and modern theme! I realised that there is a line on the topic summary card (for a particular topic), after clicking the topic and hitting the back button from the browser, is this intentional? it disappears if we refresh the browser. ![Screenshot 2022-04-05 at 1.38.08 PM|690x461](upload://e4Nld6oEP9Y1zDPfjOexzysXBQs.png) How do I remove it (is it coming from the styling of one of the CSS pseudo-classes?) Thank you. ------------------------- Petr_Mindl | 2022-04-05 11:03:36 UTC | #251 Hey. Hey, Thank you for the nice theme, too. But we try to have categories + some html block + listing of latest articles on our main page. I tried searching here on the forum, but I still don't know how to achieve it. Can someone please guide me? Should I create my own Component or how can we achieve this? Thank you. ![image|690x289](upload://lwdzwaNdeec7fwkurK85980iOhL.png) ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-05 17:53:54 UTC | #252 I believe this is something worth adding into the theme. I will add some CSS for you to be able to select `categories & latest` as a category display setting, and the `latest topics` area will display below, like so: ![image|679x500](upload://2eykUIt19Hn4q34ZMHS816SWhzQ.jpeg) ------------------------- Petr_Mindl | 2022-04-06 06:32:20 UTC | #254 Thank you @jordan-vidrine that is amazing. And can you help me with the other problem? We want to add custom HTML block into HP (probably somewhere below the main content - under Latest posts). How can I do that? I know that I must install theme not from repository but from my device to do some custom changes. But than my knowledge ends. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-06 13:42:57 UTC | #255 [quote="Petr_Mindl, post:254, topic:197703"] HP [/quote] Im not familiar with what you mean by HP, could you explain? [quote="Petr_Mindl, post:254, topic:197703"] (probably somewhere below the main content - under Latest posts) [/quote] If you want these types of customizations, I would read through this topic, it goes into detail about how to create components & customizations of this nature. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-06 13:46:29 UTC | #256 This is something Discourse Core added for A11Y, to know what was the latest topic you just visited. Because I re-structure the order of topic-list items here, it doesnt look correct. I can take a look at this. ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-06 14:37:53 UTC | #257 [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:255, topic:197703"] Im not familiar with what you mean by HP, could you explain? [/quote] I think he is meaning "homepage". [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:255, topic:197703"] If you want these types of customizations, I would read through this topic, it goes into detail about how to create components & customizations of this nature. [/quote] I read through all posts but couldn't find the solution for this (look at your post ). Or do you implement it by yourself with a next update? Maybe as a new component? Can you please direct me to the post where it describes how to set it like this? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-06 14:58:36 UTC | #258 [quote="daemon, post:257, topic:197703"] Can you please direct me to the post where it describes how to set it like this? [/quote] If you update the `modern-category-boxes` theme component on your site, this should now be available. You would set your category layout to `categories & latest` in order to see the list under the boxes. ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-06 15:15:32 UTC | #259 Thank you very much! I must have been blind. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ------------------------- ammar37 | 2022-04-08 02:45:44 UTC | #260 Thank you so much for your time. [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:256, topic:197703, full:true"] This is something Discourse Core added for A11Y, to know what was the latest topic you just visited. Because I re-structure the order of topic-list items here, it doesnt look correct. I can take a look at this. [/quote] ------------------------- Matze | 2022-04-08 08:30:33 UTC | #261 Do you think there is a easy solution to show categories and latest side by side in columns like on the standard theme? Thank you! ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-10 15:06:20 UTC | #262 Hi @jordan-vidrine I have installed your theme but I'm missing the Dark Light Theme Toggle (and Auto Detect) in the hamburger menu like it is in your screenshot. How can I enable it? EDIT: Found it! It was this setting which hides the setting inside the hamburger menu. `Add color scheme toggle button to site header` EDIT2: With the dark color scheme is something wrong (or maybe it's something with my pc). With Firefox all colors are correct, but with Chromium-based browser the colors are somehow different. It's a fresh install from Vivaldi, so no cache was active. Please have a look at the screenshot. For some reasons I can't upload any image (png). :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes: ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-11 14:58:05 UTC | #263 You may want to go into your specific user preferences page and make sure the `dark-theme` that is selected is the same across the browswers. Each browser stores its own user-setting so I am imagining this is what the issue is. ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-11 15:59:20 UTC | #264 I'm sorry but this can't be the solution because 1. I did a fresh install of the OS and browsers on my Laptop, and 2. I wasn't logged in and I saw the color differences. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-11 16:30:52 UTC | #265 Have you tried logging in to make sure? ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-11 16:42:08 UTC | #266 For which reason? The colors are different in Chromium based browser. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-11 17:05:41 UTC | #267 Have you tried clearing the cache? And can you share a link? ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-11 18:20:01 UTC | #268 I don't need to clear the cache because I installed the browser 5 seconds before I visited the site. I could share a link but I don't use it anymore so the problem for me is solved. ------------------------- Petr_Mindl | 2022-04-12 06:37:29 UTC | #269 [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:255, topic:197703"] Im not familiar with what you mean by HP, could you explain? [/quote] Thx for reply. I ment Homepage. [quote="jordan-vidrine, post:255, topic:197703"] If you want these types of customizations, I would read through this topic, it goes into detail about how to create components & customizations of this nature. [/quote] Thanks for the advice. I'll keep looking deeper. ------------------------- daemon | 2022-04-12 12:07:01 UTC | #270 [quote="Matze, post:261, topic:197703, full:true"] Do you think there is a easy solution to show categories and latest side by side in columns like on the standard theme? Thank you! [/quote] I second this! :+1: Is there an easy way to it? ------------------------- bksubhuti | 2022-04-13 13:10:33 UTC | #271 1. How do I show views in the topic list (that column is missing) ? 2. Is there a way to show the user and excerpt of the content of the latest most post when showing latest? Or could that be a feature? When I look at my latest topic list, I'm interested in a sneak-peek at the content of the last person who posted rather than the content of the original post. ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-13 13:54:26 UTC | #272 1) 2) I'll have to think about that one! ------------------------- bksubhuti | 2022-04-13 14:26:39 UTC | #273 I exported so that I'm able to edit the CSS. There is quite a lot. Should I just paste that section in the common or just the desktop or in the header? or carefully overwrite what is there? ------------------------- jordan-vidrine | 2022-04-13 15:38:23 UTC | #274 I would create a new theme-component in your theme area of the admin panel and add to the desktop css page. ------------------------- daming | 2022-04-24 11:20:49 UTC | #275 My site is every post must be reviewed, but when I update the theme to last, user's interface is show "post need review", I don't want user to see this interface, and try turn it off, but it still here. ![审批|690x378](upload://5jEJGW6jGKNDw7hT1X5oV76DHbv.jpeg) ![声明|690x121](upload://h7bhqLRNaZP0iTpyr1jrAAf0bGl.jpeg) ------------------------- Jagster | 2022-04-29 22:46:02 UTC | #276 CSS-wizards… how do I get mobile view a bit less minimalistic and clear, it should look more like desktop version? I’m looking for some space on the left hand side. This is mobile: ![kuva|666x500](upload://uE3IiI3kAWTiVH59gn8e1O1UdIf.png) And this is desktop: ![kuva|666x500](upload://ijDIuhF0PV5zGEs6RIpvXI8upDn.jpeg) Some margins would make it look better and easier readible. This isn’t new thing. It has been like this ages, but now my users have started complaining about it. ------------------------- awesomerobot | 2022-04-30 00:08:27 UTC | #277 what kind of device is that? seems large enough to handle the desktop view well, mobile's really meant for screens under 600px wide or so ------------------------- Jagster | 2022-04-30 06:06:12 UTC | #278 iPad. But I used it only to get screenshot easily, because smaller devices aren’t ment to writing... But same happends with iPhone, other ecosystems aren’t familiar to me — but I’m quite sure majority of my users aren’t at Apple-camp. And when it is matter of left hand side, size of screen doesn’t matter as you know ;) Only that matters there is zero marginal. ------------------------- eiJil | 2022-06-01 15:39:41 UTC | #279 Got the same problem here, it's been like this for months on my 2 android phones. If a user log out, the UI will become normal, but when log in, the UI will become like this. ------------------------- av203 | 2022-06-23 09:26:46 UTC | #280 I really like this theme and considering to use it, but with some modifications. The theme is currently [not pointing towards a License file]( I'm assuming that since it's officially published under Discourse, it's a GNU license. Is that indeed the case? -------------------------