So, I have some *emphasized* and **bold** words. However, when I put them on a line, it's kind of like this: > blah blah blah blah blah **the bold text is on a separate line for some reason** i didn't make it like this i swear (this is an example so it will look scripted) *AHH even the italicized text too* As you can see from that example, the bold and italicized text got put onto a separate line. However, the example also shows that the separate line thing wasn't intentional, which does happen. Also, it doesn't even show up in the preview or raw versions. It's not harmful, just annoying to have to deal with. - - - **Before you reply:** [quote="justanotherperson, post:3, topic:292120, full:true"] No, the examples on the post were meant to be that way on purpose. Sometimes, the bold and italic words are put on separate lines without being that way [intentionally]. [/quote]