fzngagan | 2021-03-24 07:49:09 UTC | #718 Guys, I've started working on a migration script from the Events plugin to the Official Discourse Calendar events plugin. Its starting to look good, but I need some feedback to get it to a stage where it is production ready. Its sitting on a branch `migration` currently. Here's the info: https://thepavilion.io/t/create-a-migration-script-from-events-to-discourse-events/3519 ------------------------- Rhidian | 2021-03-30 07:05:30 UTC | #719 [quote="angus, post:1, topic:69776"] Please take a moment to consider whether the new [Event features in the Discourse Calendar plugin ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964) made by the Discourse team are right for you. If they meet your needs, we recommend using that plugin. You should only use this plugin if you’ve already first considered Discourse Calendar. [/quote] Hi @angus. I’m struggling to get an effective side-by-side comparison between of functionality this and the now official Discourse events plugin. I’ve use your impressive events pluggin on one site and am pleased with how that’s worked. Are they compatible if I migrate from one to the other or will I lose the events? I’ve recently started another site and I’m wondering whether I’d be better using the official one. I’m on a hosted forum so would need to ask to swap out plugins. Is there a post of blog comparing the features somewhere? I’m worried by the implication this version will no longer be supported or developed. ------------------------- nathank | 2021-03-30 11:51:06 UTC | #720 [quote="Rhidian, post:719, topic:69776"] I’m worried by the implication this version will no longer be supported or developed. [/quote] With good reason - as per Angus in the OP: [quote="angus, post:1, topic:69776"] Please take a moment to consider whether the new [Event features in the Discourse Calendar plugin ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964) made by the Discourse team are right for you. If they meet your needs, we recommend using that plugin. You should only use this plugin if you’ve already first considered Discourse Calendar. [/quote] We made the move ages ago. Unfortunately the Discourse team has had other priorities and have not been working on the Discourse Events plugin for a while. Many of us are impatiently awaiting some more development as we see the potential!! ------------------------- angus | 2021-03-30 22:00:35 UTC | #721 Hey @Rhidian, [quote="Rhidian, post:719, topic:69776"] Are they compatible if I migrate from one to the other or will I lose the events? [/quote] @fzngagan Is currently working on, and getting close to completing a migration script to transfer events from our plugin to the Discourse Event plugin. You can follow the progress on that here https://thepavilion.io/t/create-a-migration-script-from-events-to-discourse-events/3519 [quote="Rhidian, post:719, topic:69776"] I’m worried by the implication this version will no longer be supported or developed. [/quote] As @nathank mentioned, our poicy for the plugin, as stated in the OP is that we encourage people to consider the other plugin as we won't be actively developing this plugin. We will be maintaining it in its current state for the foreseeable future, however as we are supporting some specific use cases that are not supported by the other plugin. If that plugin adds support for those use cases we will deprecate this plugin entirely and migrate some folks to the other one, using the migration script that Faiz has been working on. We use the Discourse Event plugin internally, not this one. Personally, I also think it's a better plugin from a technical perspective. [quote="Rhidian, post:719, topic:69776"] Is there a post of blog comparing the features somewhere? [/quote] The closest thing to that is this post of mine https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964/51?u=angus ------------------------- Rhidian | 2021-03-31 04:22:08 UTC | #722 Thanks @angus That’s very helpful. ------------------------- nicopace | 2021-04-20 16:22:53 UTC | #723 Another issue is that when you have a lot of people RSVP'ing, the css breaks. This is what I have: ![Captura de pantalla de 2021-04-20 13-21-34|690x174](upload://i2ao0rpwNsjztmO3Exxre846KNh.png) ------------------------- fzngagan | 2021-04-20 20:13:48 UTC | #724 I think you intended to post it to https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964 ------------------------- nicopace | 2021-04-20 20:52:53 UTC | #725 yes indeed. sorry for the noise. please remove if possible. thanks! ------------------------- Marvelxy | 2021-06-04 02:44:41 UTC | #726 @angus does the plugin work with tags and tags intersection? I will read through while I await your response. ------------------------- nathank | 2021-10-08 20:09:42 UTC | #727 I've noticed that the development of the [Event features in the Discourse Calendar plugin ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964) appears to have stopped. You'll note that it is now referred to as 'alpha': [quote="vinothkannans, post:1, topic:97376"] ### Events Currently an events feature is live in the plugin, but consider it in alpha state. For more information on Events see [🗓 Discourse Event ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964) [/quote] While it was looking very promising, and indeed we abandoned this plugin for it, it is missing a couple of key features which really limits its utility. They are: 1. Interacting with a user's email calendar via pushing out .ics files 1. A richer way of displaying all events. 1. General spit and polish Would you consider reviving this plugin? Or even better, looking at doing some work on [Event features in the Discourse Calendar plugin ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964)? I believe (perhaps naively) that we could raise funds to do this. ------------------------- HAWK | 2021-10-11 00:15:57 UTC | #728 I don't believe we will be doing further work on this plugin but we do definitely have plans to do additional work on the Events piece. I have opened that other topic so that we can continue discussion. ------------------------- RGJ | 2022-05-20 13:50:06 UTC | #729 I don't know if this is a bug or if I am missing some kind of integration, but how is the Subscribe button supposed to work? When I click it I see two (partial) URLs but I am unable to interact with this in any way? ![image|344x150](upload://ujguz6fK0av6aXAhZLuHnbaHUNU.png) ------------------------- angus | 2022-05-20 17:35:27 UTC | #730 If you're on the latest version of the plugin and Discourse `tests-passed`, when you click the links they'll be copied to your clipboard. You'll see a little green flag next to the modal (above it on mobile) ![Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 19.28.57|690x270,50%](upload://uRwqDCxHnoqhUbJ0KDO6oHeK6xy.png) See further https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events/issues/101 You can see it working here https://test.pavilion.tech/calendar ------------------------- RGJ | 2022-05-20 19:22:23 UTC | #731 I see, thank you! Maybe the mouse pointer needs to change on hover to indicate that this is a possibility? ------------------------- vincentp | 2022-07-12 02:47:15 UTC | #732 This plugin is breaking the reply preview https://meta.discourse.org/t/post-preview-not-working-because-of-events-plugin/231893/10 ------------------------- OldRoutard | 2022-07-12 09:18:01 UTC | #733 [quote="Vincent, post:732, topic:69776, username:vincentp"] plugin is breaking the reply preview [/quote] ... and other functions, when the reply / post has been initiated by clicking the grey "Reply" button of a previous post. @angus , @fzngagan Thanks for what you can do! ------------------------- kday | 2022-08-17 07:22:20 UTC | #734 I'm also having the same issue on a public category. The below is all I see — no subscribe button is visible. I tried from other accounts as well. ![image|690x492](upload://vgw7iTeuZ0YclnctGij24DOe8Di.png) ------------------------- angus | 2022-08-17 07:48:01 UTC | #735 Hey @kday that's a screenshot from this plugin (a different plugin) https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964 ------------------------- jerry0 | 2022-08-22 11:17:37 UTC | #736 Hi all, it seems to me as if this plugin is currently breaking image upload - (with apologies in case of any misdiagnosis) - admittedly I was using the angusmcleod/discourse-events github version rather than the paviliondev.discourse-events so it may simply be an out-of-date version? [Composer stalls on "Processing Upload" - support - Discourse Meta](https://meta.discourse.org/t/composer-stalls-on-processing-upload/236715) ------------------------- mattyoung | 2022-08-25 20:58:43 UTC | #737 [quote="Jerry, post:736, topic:69776, username:jerry0"] paviliondev.discourse-events [/quote] I am / was using the /paviliondev/discourse-events version and it's broken composer image uploads capability (or I should say the newest version of Discourse has broken itself against the events plugin.) Please advise. https://meta.discourse.org/t/composer-stalls-on-processing-upload/236715 I am now reverting back to 2.9.0.beta8 vs 2.9.0.beta9, tested on other environments, 2.9.0.beta8 and events plugin together allow image uploads through the Composer WYSIWYG again. ------------------------- Paolo_Marchetti | 2022-08-28 16:20:08 UTC | #738 [quote="Faizaan Gagan, post:717, topic:69776, username:fzngagan"] p.s. The page should be back now. [/quote] It looks like it's down again. I need some instruction on how to setup an ical reader (possibly a Telegram bot). ------------------------- JammyDodger | 2022-08-28 17:06:10 UTC | #739 @angus Is there any news on this? ------------------------- angus | 2022-09-19 18:09:49 UTC | #740 Hello all! Thanks for your patience. I've fixed the outstanding issue with this plugin. It's working as normal on `v0.1.1`. This is the official (Pavilion) word on what will happen with this plugin, in the order in which each will occur. 1. From now (until 4, below) will again be providing support to this plugin. [If you report issues here we will respond](https://discourse.pluginmanager.org/w/bug-report). 2. This plugin's functionality will be merged into the coming [Discourse Events Integration Plugin](https://meta.discourse.org/t/calendar-plugin-features-to-make-it-really-useful-for-us/210333/6?u=angus), which is due for release in late October. 3. All data from this plugin will be automatically migrated into the new DEIP plugin. 4. Once the DEIP is launched, this plugin (i.e. the Events Plugin) will be archived. ------------------------- attj | 2022-09-22 19:45:39 UTC | #741 Not sure if this is already being considered, but having multiple topics for a single event and listing them under a main event page would be a very nice feature. ------------------------- angus | 2022-09-26 09:04:54 UTC | #742 [quote="Abdullah, post:741, topic:69776, username:attj"] having multiple topics for a single event and listing them under a main event page would be a very nice feature. [/quote] This will be possible with the new [Discourse Events Integration Plugin](https://meta.discourse.org/t/calendar-plugin-features-to-make-it-really-useful-for-us/210333/6), which will be released in late October, but it won't be a feature in v1. ------------------------- Programer-D | 2022-10-02 05:28:07 UTC | #743 The bug report URL listed on GitHub was not working, so please let me discuss it here. Bug Summary: Unable to participate in events. Steps to reproduce the bug: Create an event with n MaxGuests. A user presses the Going button n+1 times without refreshing the page. Then a 500 error occurs. After that, that user and all other users will not be able to go to the event. Also, when you first visit a topic, the button changes color when you check the "Join" checkbox, but when you uncheck the "Join" checkbox or visit a topic a second time and press the "Join" button, the button does not change color. (However, I am able to join and cancel.) Is this a problem only in my environment? ------------------------- angus | 2022-10-03 08:37:21 UTC | #744 Thanks for the report. [quote="Programer D, post:743, topic:69776, username:Programer-D"] The bug report URL listed on GitHub was not working, so please let me discuss it here. [/quote] I've updated the link in the GitHub readme to the same one in the OP: [`https://discourse.pluginmanager.org/w/bug-report`](https://discourse.pluginmanager.org/w/bug-report) [quote="Angus McLeod, post:1, topic:69776, username:angus"] [:bug: Report a bug ](https://discourse.pluginmanager.org/w/bug-report) [/quote] [quote="Programer D, post:743, topic:69776, username:Programer-D"] Steps to reproduce the bug: Create an event with n MaxGuests. A user presses the Going button n+1 times without refreshing the page. [/quote] I've addressed this issue. Please update to version `0.1.2` of the plugin and try again. ------------------------- Programer-D | 2022-10-03 09:33:52 UTC | #745 Thanks for the quick response. I just finished checking and confirmed that the problem has been fixed. Thank you! Let me check one more thing. The following image is a modal for editing an event on an already created topic. Ignore the Japanese translation. The next image shows an attempt to edit an already created event. There were two participants in this event. "テスト" and "Programmer-D". However, when you open the edit window like this, it shows "テスト,Programmer-D", as if it were a single user. In fact, if I complete the edit in this state, all existing participants will be disqualified, and I will have to visit the topic again and press the Join button. I would appreciate it if you could confirm whether this is also a problem or a bug in my environment. Sorry for all the questions with my poor English, but I would appreciate your help. ------------------------- angus | 2022-10-03 10:56:14 UTC | #746 Thanks for report. I've also fixed this issue. Please update to version `0.1.3` of the plugin. Please submit any further issues through the bug report form. Issues reported here will be directed there: https://discourse.pluginmanager.org/w/bug-report ------------------------- Programer-D | 2022-10-03 14:43:22 UTC | #747 Thank you very much. I was able to confirm the fix. Sorry I am not familiar with this. I will try to use that from now on. ------------------------- SoothSinger | 2022-10-04 08:12:00 UTC | #748 Hi all! A question regarding discourse-events API, what is the purpose/usage example of the WebCal API keys ? From the thread, it seems to subscribe to private forums although I'm not entirely sure how the mechanism would work. Is there a preference setting to disable the feature for generating API keys ? (https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events/blob/main/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/event-webcal-keys.js.es6) Currently, if you visit `www.your_discourse_server.com/calendar-events/api_keys.json` while logged in, you will automatically generate a new key (it will show up in the user generated API keys list). Regards, ------------------------- Jayne_ivana | 2022-11-02 00:35:14 UTC | #749 Issue: A few weeks ago our community noticed that the Events Calendar is broken. They are unable to click on an event and few the topic details. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/c/community/community-fly-in-events/143/l/calendar I am on version 0.1.3 of the Events plugin and on version2.9.0.beta10 of Discourse. Any ideas what could be the cause? Thanks! ------------------------- sam | 2022-11-02 00:48:31 UTC | #750 Hi @Jayne_ivana moved your post here, it is a bug in this third-party plugin by @angus, our event handling logic changed a bit over the past few weeks to allow for Ember JS upgrades. ------------------------- david | 2022-11-02 09:25:12 UTC | #752 This issue was fixed in [this commit](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/952b033165), which is included in the latest version of Discourse. It should be resolved after your next update (which I recommend doing as soon as possible because of the included [security updates](https://meta.discourse.org/t/2-9-0-beta11-security-fixes-new-general-category-sidebar-improvements-and-more/243627)) ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-02 09:53:19 UTC | #753 Thanks guys. As David mentions this was a bug in Discourse that is resolved in the latest version. When you update Discourse the Events Plugin will work as expected again. ------------------------- Jayne_ivana | 2022-11-02 17:13:45 UTC | #754 Awesome, thank you so much! ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2022-11-13 20:07:51 UTC | #755 ![calaendar|610x500](upload://5F0P2RxX2K6XDYYvzcpPLfKG3T4.jpeg) i know this plugin is going through a transformation, everything looks brill except on mobile, when you click the dots on the calendar the info doesn't drop below like it should do ( working in your showcase websites ) Any ideas would be helpful :slight_smile: ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-14 12:31:14 UTC | #756 Thanks for the report. This will fix that issue. https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events/commit/7cf0dcc7a724919e71573ca90513cffdb83e4f0d ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2022-11-14 17:32:09 UTC | #757 Thanks for the super quick fix! Worked like a charm! :ok_hand: ------------------------- HamMan2118 | 2022-11-16 00:35:37 UTC | #758 Hello! One thing I want to note here is that trying to load our Events calendar on our forums, it takes an average of 11 seconds to load it. I've tried different devices/connections. For example, tried Desktop and Mobile, WiFi and Celluar, and even had someone else try to reproduce as well and they mentioned that it takes a while to load. Any idea what could be causing the calendar to take a long time to load? Thank you! ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-16 09:37:11 UTC | #759 Hello! :slight_smile: Can I just confirm: - You're using this plugin `https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events` - Your slow load times are only on your calendar and not also on other pages in your forum? Could you also link your forum here? ------------------------- HamMan2118 | 2022-11-16 11:57:58 UTC | #760 Hello! Just to note-I don’t “run” the forums, I am only a moderator so I will have to check with our Community Manager if we use that plugin. (We have an events calendar, if that helps) The slow loading times are only on the calendar. Here is our forum link: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/ The calendar link is at the top and is named “Events” Thanks! ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-16 12:21:52 UTC | #761 Thanks, I see the issue :+1: I'll take a look at the performance of that route and update you early next week. ------------------------- HamMan2118 | 2022-11-16 20:35:58 UTC | #762 Just to confirm I checked with our Community Manager and yes, we use the `https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events` plugin :) ------------------------- deetle | 2022-11-17 10:42:06 UTC | #763 Where is the calendar? Thanks very much for this very useful plugin, but after the plugin is installed, where can we go to see the calendar view? For example, this site has the plugin: https://community.coops.tech/ I was expecting to be able to see something like this: ![brave_QdJz1vGXk3|690x438](upload://bsI9RSuHnRQmA0efAbR3CnLdxWt.jpeg) on my Discourse, but there is no Calendar button there. ------------------------- deetle | 2022-11-17 10:42:40 UTC | #764 I want to click on it and see something like this: ![brave_DSVSQkauuF|690x459](upload://CzT48OsgM76hBJ2DSFvaMKFkCU.jpeg) ------------------------- niccokunzmann | 2022-11-18 11:58:34 UTC | #765 It is at `/calendar` and you can subscribe at `/calendar.ics` ------------------------- deetle | 2022-11-18 17:13:40 UTC | #766 [quote="Nicco Kunzmann, post:765, topic:69776, username:niccokunzmann"] `/calendar` [/quote] Thanks, that did it! I hope these instructions are made more prominent in the download/install section. * How did they manage to include a clickable link to the calendar like the one highlighted in the first screenshot? * The API and client keys section tells you to read the documentation on how too use them, but there is no instruction on the linked page. What should people do with them? * Do we need to add any additional plugins, e.g. discourse-calendar, to gain the full benefit of discourse-events? * Is it possible to set events to provide a browser notification pop-up as a reminder? How do we accomplish that? * The calendar view displays the whole month. Could we include some buttons to set it to a "week's" view or a day's view? ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2022-11-18 21:55:56 UTC | #767 Hi, i cant see anything obvious about reoccurring events? can this plugin handle that? if so, where should i be looking? thank you ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2022-11-20 20:18:31 UTC | #768 also as of today i cant seem to add events? in console i get this: ``` deprecated.js:61 Deprecation notice: DButton no longer supports @action as a string. Please refactor to use an closure action instead. [deprecation id: discourse.d-button-action-string] e.default @ deprecated.js:61 _triggerAction @ d-button.js:99 click @ d-button.js:78 ``` any ideas would be great! ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-21 09:39:26 UTC | #769 Thanks @Nick_Tomlinson [quote="Nick Tomlinson, post:768, topic:69776, username:Nick_Tomlinson"] also as of today i cant seem to add events? [/quote] This is fixed in version `0.1.5` of the plugin. Please update to the latest. [quote="Nick Tomlinson, post:767, topic:69776, username:Nick_Tomlinson"] Hi, i cant see anything obvious about reoccurring events? [/quote] I'll be making an announcement about this later in the week. Stay tuned! ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2022-11-21 18:35:29 UTC | #770 Thanks, @angus , That sorted out the issue! :ok_hand: Looking forward to the announcement! ------------------------- angus | 2022-11-25 18:31:02 UTC | #771 A post was merged into an existing topic: [:spiral_calendar: Discourse Event](/t/discourse-event/149964/453) ------------------------- niccokunzmann | 2022-12-02 11:36:39 UTC | #772 [quote="Nick Tomlinson, post:767, topic:69776, username:Nick_Tomlinson"] Hi, i cant see anything obvious about reoccurring events? [/quote] https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-events/issues/47 ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-01-12 12:19:04 UTC | #773 Hi folks, I've been building a new test site over the last two days, which means I'm on 3.0 since it just released. I've added the events and locations plugins, but my category topic list buttons don't have Agenda or Calendar there. They work - if I set Calendar as the default view for the category, then I can get to it - but the buttons are missing. Screenshots: ![2023-01-12-121714_452x130_scrot|452x130](upload://iSBaR0FzaYOTTrxFpQfb8pOuYE1.png) ![2023-01-12-121840_482x72_scrot|482x72](upload://3J2LijvL8qbxriH8bQ1Ws8aeunk.png) Is this related to the 3.0 release perhaps? ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-01-12 13:43:20 UTC | #774 Sorry to hear that you are having issues with this. Those topic list buttons seem to be a bit flaky on 2.8 already. We're going to look into this. ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-01-12 13:58:49 UTC | #775 Thanks @RGJ - do you want me to raise an issue on GitHub for it? Also if I can provide any debug info let me know. ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-01-12 13:59:29 UTC | #776 No thank you, that would not be necessary at the moment, I can reproduce the issue. ------------------------- agungor | 2023-01-15 21:34:57 UTC | #777 Thanks for the amazing plugin 😊 Quick question: The event calendar card (when launched from the calendar view) and the headers of the days on the calendar do not appear to respect dark mode—at least in our Discourse installation. They both appear with a white background, causing the text on them to vanish into the background. Do you recommend addressing this with some CSS magic, or should the plugin be handling dark mode without any modification on our part? ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-01-16 14:37:02 UTC | #778 [quote="agungor, post:777, topic:69776, username:agungor"] Do you recommend addressing this with some CSS magic, or should the plugin be handling dark mode without any modification on our part? [/quote] It should (but it currently does not). We're going to get this solved. ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-02-03 14:12:20 UTC | #779 This bug has been resolved @agungor. Thank you for reporting it! ------------------------- agungor | 2023-02-03 15:11:54 UTC | #780 Amazing. Thanks for letting me know! ------------------------- lucr | 2023-02-03 21:05:02 UTC | #781 I am having a similar issue to this, and wondering if I need to fix through CSS. I have a dark and light theme on my forum - just added this plugin and the Add Event button for new topics has no colour (the entire button and text match the background colour) until you hover. ![image|690x346](upload://dl2BJ030UhmLrCblgJn0KVwDml6.png) ------------------------- UnitedFreedom | 2023-02-26 12:21:34 UTC | #782 What CSS do I add to make the calendar look like this? Its very nice looking. Thanks :) ------------------------- UnitedFreedom | 2023-02-26 12:25:31 UTC | #783 Is it possible to add the Calendar and the Agenda on the same page? Calendar first, and below it is the Agenda? ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-02 01:15:34 UTC | #784 I've had the same idea and presented it to the Pavilion team a couple of months ago. Not sure where they are at with it though. ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-03-10 10:08:32 UTC | #785 I did a round of updates this week, and noticed that for our site the Calendar button has returned, but not the Agenda button. Is that expected or completely by coincidence? :slight_smile: ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-03-10 11:48:58 UTC | #786 Actually, I rebuilt the app container again today (I was adding another plugin) and now I see them both - I hope they stick around, but for now at least the issue seems fixed :slight_smile: ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-13 18:00:45 UTC | #787 Yup - it has been fully addressed: https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/many-events-plugin-settings-dont-seem-to-be-working/2544/2 ------------------------- josy38 | 2023-03-14 19:43:21 UTC | #789 Hey, i do have some issue here... and i dont know why... (i've just installed the plugin today) if i create an event with : [event start="2023-03-27 19:30" status="public" name="KK Diskurs Q&A - IT Workshop" timezone="Europe/Berlin" end="2023-03-27 23:30" allowedGroups="trust_level_0"] [/event] It shows this: ![Screenshot 2023-03-14 204046|690x201](upload://duD85zJsPzlfaR2bu1wPaPbvOU3.jpeg) the times are wrong... settings are... ### events timezone default (GMT+01:00) Berlin Standard Zeitzone für Veranstaltungen. ### events timezone display Event timezone, if set and different from default timezone. Timezone used to display event times in. How can i fix it? I dont get it yet... Thank you for any help <3 ------------------------- agungor | 2023-03-14 22:11:39 UTC | #790 I believe the plugin you are using is Discourse Event ^[https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964] rather than the Pavilion Events Plugin, which this thread is about. 😊 ------------------------- josy38 | 2023-03-14 22:13:08 UTC | #791 ...aaawww :rofl: - could be... sorry :pray: ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-03-17 10:22:32 UTC | #792 Thanks @nathank that's great. New question! I have an event in UTC-3 which has raised a question about display timezones. Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there an option to display events in the local user's timezone (if set)? I can see that this is used for event *creation*, but for display it only has variants on "default" or "event timezone". I'd be happy with using "Event timezone if set" *but* that also applies to the calendar view which does not display tz. We have events in many zones, so that would get *very* confusing if we set it. Being able to view the agenda/calendar in *my* timezone would make more sense but I can't see an option for it (apart from downloading the ical to my external calendar, of course) ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-17 19:12:03 UTC | #793 I'm pretty sure that is what you get if you set 'default'. My understanding is that each user gets their own default, i.e. usually their timezone. Of course, they may have set a weird timezone. Why not just put the local time of the event prominently in the post body, making it clear that is what it is? ------------------------- angus | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #794 Yes :) @RGJ is Pavilion's product lead on the release of v2 of the [Events Plugin](https://meta.discourse.org/t/events-plugin/69776) which will include this plugin and a number of other improvements. We actually (just today) got our final report card from the EU's [DAPSI](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/) program for our work on this plugin. Criterion 1 – Business Evaluation Score (0,00 – 20,00) 17 Criterion 2 - Technical Evaluation Score (0,00 – 50,00) 40 Criterion 3 – Assistance Trainings Score (0,00 – 10,00) 10 Criterion 4 – Participation in Final Event Score (0,00-20,00) 20 TOTAL Score (0,00-100,00) 87 Needless to say, we're pretty excited about launching v2 of the [Events Plugin](https://meta.discourse.org/t/events-plugin/69776) with all of this work included! ------------------------- Nick_Tomlinson | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #795 Still hoping for November 2022 release :innocent: ------------------------- angus | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #796 Hey @Nick_Tomlinson please reach out to us here https://coop.pavilion.tech/w/discourse-events-integration-early-access ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #797 Hey Angus, I filled in the Wizard form at [coop.pavilion.tech/w/discourse-events-integration-early-access]( https://coop.pavilion.tech/w/discourse-events-integration-early-access) last week. But nothing happened subsequently. Was I meant to get access to something? I'd really like to discuss stuff about how events might work as I've got a pretty solid use-case that I fear will fall outside the current scope. ------------------------- Ellibereth | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #798 Hey @nathank, There was a bug on the form which we've since fixed. Sorry about that! If you fill it out again we'll get back to you. Excited to hear about your use case. ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #799 I'm afraid that I'm getting this when I try to redo the form: ![image|690x138](upload://4jFrp5T63q2dZ5ZnBhYPXLWaNsM.png) ------------------------- Ellibereth | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #800 Oops. Fixed. Try again. ------------------------- oca | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #801 Thanks again Pavilion team, I find it not so obvious to connect to an iCal provider that is nor google and outlook (in my case, our own nextcloud). Documentation seems to be truncated on paragraph **iCalendar** > iCalendar providers don’t require any authentication, so you can just add one by selecting “icalendar”, giving it a name and saving the provider. If you’re integrating multiple Were there more instructions ? I don't understand why the link providing the ics file ( `http://[DOMAIN-NAME]/remote.php/dav/calendars/[USER]/[CALENDAR-URI]/?export` [[e.g.]](https://nextcloud.cm-en-transition.fr/remote.php/dav/public-calendars/FHcJBzSDm5i6Mr7T/?export)) does not work ( Finished importing from ***. Retrieved 0 events, created 0 events and updated 0 events.) Thanks in advance ------------------------- volanar | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #802 Can the plugin be integrated with mobilizon's free federated platform? https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/contribute/integrations/ ------------------------- jdaviescoates | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #803 [quote="Volanar, post:802, topic:69776, username:volanar"] Can the plugin be integrated with mobilizon’s free federated platform? [/quote] That would be awesome! ------------------------- angus | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #804 I'll be giving some more updates and guidance on this plugin next week. [quote="Volanar, post:802, topic:69776, username:volanar"] Can the plugin be integrated with mobilizon’s free federated platform? [/quote] I attempted to integrate with Mobilizon as part of the project. See here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-oJsXivT_KRBZ-wUQ-TbHdO7Z-qf7z4GeiRiJ014V-E/edit?usp=sharing > For a window into this issue it’s worth consider the disposition toward event management in [Disapora](https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/1359) and [Mastodon](https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/4179), the lack of adoption of [these open source Meetup.com alternatives](https://github.com/coderbyheart/open-source-meetup-alternatives.), or the fact that the [Mobilizon documentation website](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/contribute/graphql_api/) was intermittently offline throughout the period of the research, [most of their support forum is in French](https://framacolibri.org/c/mobilizon) and that they have the only API on the list that [uses basic authentication to obtain an access token](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/contribute/graphql_api/#authenticate). We say this not to criticise the developers of any of these services (as developers of open source software ourselves, we’re acutely aware of the challenges involved in such projects), but we want to be clear-eyed about the current situation. Given time constraints I decided to focus on the more documented / stable alternatives. I'll attempt to integrate Mobilizon again in the future. ------------------------- jdaviescoates | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #805 Any more updates on when we can the Events Integration Plugin features to be incorporated into the Events plugin? Thanks! ------------------------- niccokunzmann | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #806 Hi, I just saw it after the update. Where would you like to have feedback? Here is one: - All the links to discourse.pluginmanager.org do not work - in the first post here and on discourse. - Provider and Source is not clear from the start. Source seems more like a filter to me. - What is UID? I just want to import all automatically and manage what I see on discourse. Which category/tags do the events get? I would like to do that in the Source/Filter section. What is with event duplication? Filter implies that there is ONE event. Source kind-of makes it several. - What happens if events are deleted or moved. That is just something that I wonder about. E.g. delete should remove the time but not the discussion and reply with a note. - Mobilizon seems to be missing. You probably focus on big providers & standards. I see that you support ICal. - If you support ICalendar, please create an editable page like a Wiki in which people can add names of platforms. This way, it is clear for users which one they should use and if it is supported. Also, it might be good to point to a ICS export tutorial for each of them. That is something you only have to provide the space for and the community can extend the list. To me, this workflow seems useful in a wizard/step wise dialog: 1. Please choose a provider - there will be a list of providers, a link to the documentation. Previous providers turn up here as a list. 2. Please filter the events. You can apply several filters and they all must match. Previous filters turn up. - all events - all future events - events from start to end (inclusive) - UID - does this refer to the ICal UID? - Category - ICS categories by comma 3. Check the events imported. - I have not been there, yet. 4. Actions to do with the events: - Post in category - Post with tags - Prefix title This is what I would like to do: - (1) Add Google Provider (ICS) - (2) Filter events from today - (2) Filter events with category "repair" - (3) Check events turn up - (4) Post in category repair Again: - (1) Choose existing Google Provider (ICS) from last step - (2) Filter events from today - (2) Filter events without category "repair" - (3) Check events turn up - (4) Post in category General Again: - (1) Add Outlook Provider(ICS) - (2) Filter events from today - (3) Check events turn up - (4) Post in category General with tag "council" The UI in the current state looks to me like development perspective: First, you created the sources, later you added providers, still calling it source instead of filter. Also the flow goes from right to left for me: (1) provider (2) source/filter. I proposed how I would like to use it. ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #807 Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated! I have made sure the links to the documentation are correct in this meta topic. We will be making sure that the links in the plugin are ending up in the right place soon. You can find the documentation here https://coop.pavilion.tech/docs?ascending=true&category=86&order=title The correct order of adding things is Provider - Source - Connection. Because Connections is what you will be adding most frequently, they are shown on the most left hand side. A source is not the same as a filter. You will see that a Connection has button with a "funnel" icon that can be used to filter events, based on for instance if a certain word occurs in the event name. An example would be: Provider: Google Calendar Source: The specific Google Calendar of @rgj Connection: Have user @rgj create topics in a specific category for events from (source:) my (provider:) Google Calendar that correspond to (filter) a certain event name. ------------------------- oca | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #808 [Documentation for iCal](https://coop.pavilion.tech/docs?topic=1567#icalendar-3) on Docs-cooperative is still weird: > iCalendar providers don’t require any authentication, so you can just add one by selecting “icalendar”, giving it a name and saving the provider. If you’re integrating multiple Is there any more things to know ? I still don't understand why my iCal field is not read, and i hoped the answer was there missing. I've tried to put the link to the `.ics` file in both **Provider** URL and **Source** Options/URI fields, but when I try to recover the events, I get : ` Finished importing from . Retrieved 0 events, created 0 events and updated 0 events. ` Can the problem the problem be caused by the fact that Nextcloud `.ics` link does not actually finish by `.ics` but by `/?export` ? ([e.g. nextcloud ics link](https://nextcloud.cm-en-transition.fr/remote.php/dav/public-calendars/FHcJBzSDm5i6Mr7T/?export)) ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-03-22 13:15:58 UTC | #809 That link does not work for me, `nextcloud.cm-en-transition.fr` does not accept connections. ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-03-22 13:40:46 UTC | #810 @nathank doesn't seem to be the case for us (UI reports plugin version 0.2.4 / Discourse 3.1.0.beta2). Here's a screenshot for an event in Buenos Aires (UTC-3): ![2023-03-22-133923_779x205_scrot|690x181](upload://wS9p0v70Ovbjkz4dYmy059piSyt.png) However, when viewed by a user in Finland (UTC+2), they see: ![image](upload://AfAP4Se9BAs120JihfHshCS6gL9.png) If I understand you correctly, this screenshot *should* say 00:00 (22:00 +2, or 19:00 + 5) for my Finnish user, right? Just to confirm, here's their timezone: ![image|244x79](upload://pxzFYNR8ZLRceKuDt3h9Mvfi0pM.png) And the settings in the admin panel: ![2023-03-22-133612_642x147_scrot|642x147](upload://bKoNNbZM87IM1kplULOw6uaeySV.png) Am I missing something? Thanks! ------------------------- gwmngilfen | 2023-03-22 13:44:07 UTC | #811 Never mind, I think I just spotted it - `events timezone default` is what controls it, right? I had taken that to mean "when creating a new event, what timezone should we start with". Could have saved myself a lot of screenshots :slight_smile: ------------------------- nathank | 2023-03-22 20:42:55 UTC | #812 [quote="Josef Davies-Coates, post:805, topic:69776, full:true, username:jdaviescoates"] Any more updates on when we can the Events Integration Plugin features to be incorporated into the Events plugin? Thanks! [/quote] I'm delighted to report that this is currently live with this plugin. And if you wish, you can still use https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-event/149964 to present the events in the UI. [quote="Greg, post:811, topic:69776, full:true, username:gwmngilfen"] Never mind, I think I just spotted it - `events timezone default` is what controls it, right? I had taken that to mean “when creating a new event, what timezone should we start with”. Could have saved myself a lot of screenshots :slight_smile: [/quote] No probs - perhaps the setting text could be made a bit clearer with this. ------------------------- elRicharde | 2023-05-05 06:54:36 UTC | #813 I have a question about the plugin and it´s timezone. The Events in webcal are one hour offset to the forum The Webcal-Link starts like that: > webcal://forum.myforum.de/c/veranstaltungen/l/calendar.ics?time_zone=Europe/Berlin&user_api_key= and events look like this when creating ![image|434x43](upload://m3IeimMO5hqj5pum9sWvYFRsTMB.png) but i get this in Thunderbird for example: ![image|223x38](upload://Am5Y209fR8XptoQJc9ryaZ8qCa1.png) For Events in Wintertime, everything is in Sync and there is no offset. What could be Wrong? Thanks in Advance and for the very good work, love that plugin much more than the other Cal and Event Plugins. ------------------------- nathank | 2023-05-05 21:02:03 UTC | #814 I think this might be due to a recently fixed bug; have you updated in the last day or two? https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/timezone-glitch-after-recent-daylight-savings-switch/2652/4 ------------------------- elRicharde | 2023-05-07 07:54:08 UTC | #815 No, not that recently. I can´t even say if it was working before and switched to the offset now, like it would be during an update, or if it was like this. Somone else having the same issue? ------------------------- RGJ | 2023-05-07 09:28:01 UTC | #816 No, the update didn't *cause* it, it *fixes* the bug, so please update to the latest version of the plugin. ------------------------- Drew-ART | 2023-06-22 01:28:53 UTC | #817 @angus Just wanted to let you know that the 'in the wild' section at the top is a bit dated. Of the four examples: - The top one you need to create an account to see the calendar - 2nd one shows a functional but broken calendar with two Calendar tabs rather than one - 3rd and 4th sites appear to no-longer exist ------------------------- SimmyD | 2023-07-18 02:29:19 UTC | #818 When i do an update from Beta5 to Beta6 via the admin portal, the date being injected before the topic title seems to vanish. Is there something I should be doing other than just update discourse from the web interface to keep this working? I rolled back to beta5 (by accident) and they came back. Edit: Have seen you have your own discourse with bug report which i have now done. ------------------------- carpenoctem | 2023-08-03 15:08:14 UTC | #819 The events and [location plugin](https://github.com/paviliondev/discourse-locations) already have some linked features. Is there support coming for showing the location of an event in the ics stream/file? -------------------------