Adding a plugin to my Discourse via Digitalocean Console

Hi there - I’m trying to add plugins to my discourse forum via the console in digitalocean but having some difficulties…

I’m following the instructions of accessing:

cd /var/discourse
nano containers/app.yml

But when I enter the command, I get a bash response saying ‘no such file or directory’

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Was it a digitalocean one click install?

Hey Bhanu thanks for the follow up - I had to install discourse manually in digitalocean, not the one click install.

What is the output of

ls /var/discourse/containers

when I input ls /var/discourse/containers the output is :

ls: connot access ls /var/discourse/containers : no such file or directory

Is this the correct server? Why does it seem like your installation isn’t standard.

Does /var/discourse exist?

ls /var/discourse

I believe it’s the correct server?

ls /var/discourse doesn’t exist either though - so it seems like something isn’t set up properly?

I’m trying to access my root@(myip) but a 'permission denied (publickey) response now

That error means Your server uses key pair authentication instead of password. Do You remember setting up an ssh key?

Yes yes I have set up an ssh key. I suppose I will need that key to access my server and make any changes?

Yes! you’ll need to configure your ssh client to present your private key to the served for authentication.

How do I do that :slight_smile:

These instructions? How to Connect to your Droplet with OpenSSH :: DigitalOcean Product Documentation

When I open my console in digital ocean I’m already in as root@discourse-beta-ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-nyc3-1-app:~#

I think I figured out the mistake - the SSH key is pointing to the wrong IP address ( an old forum I had set up).

I updated the SSH key, but can’t seem to SSH into my new droplet. Thoughts?