Errors were encountered while processing: postgresql-contrib-9.5

I choose the 9.3 because there was some bug with the LANG value.
Now if I’m using templates/postgres.template.yml, I get the following message in logs:

Failure, exiting

You are going to need to export your data and import into a clean instance:

In containers/app.yml: Change "templates/postgres.template.yml" TO "templates/postgres.9.3.template.yml"

Run ./launcher rebuild app again

When your instance is running:
Run ./launcher enter app
Run cd /shared/postgres_backup && sudo -u postgres pg_dump discourse > backup.db

Undo the postgres template in your container config
Run: ./launcher stop app
Run: sudo mv /var/discourse/shared/standalone/postgres_data /var/discourse/shared/standalone/postgres_data_old
Run: ./launcher rebuild app

Run: ./launcher enter app
Run: cd /shared/postgres_backup
Run: sv stop unicorn
Run: sudo -iu postgres dropdb discourse
Run: sudo -iu postgres createdb discourse
Run: sudo -iu postgres psql discourse < backup.db
Run: exit
Run: ./launcher rebuild app

Pups::ExecError: /root/upgrade_postgres failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 39 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params "/root/upgrade_postgres"
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

But, because rebuild is failing with the template postgres.9.3.template.yml, I don’t know what to do…