Discourse Video Upload Plugin with YouTube and Vimeo

The free account gives you 10 videos a day which is a good place to start I think.

My main goal was to make video an easy thing in Discourse. I think that has been sufficiently accomplished. Where it goes from here I think will depend on the community.


Just to let everyone know, this plugin is now also available as a theme component allowing for a much easier installation process:


Hello just to notify you, I turn off and on everything and finally got it :slight_smile: this whiteList has been replaced with allowList warning is appear here on Meta too. When open composer. So it’s in the core i think. Sorry for this… :slight_smile: The controller:composer warning related with your plugin and theme component also…


Thanks for your work on this plugin/theme component; it offers a lot of useful functionality.

I noticed that the following line in video-upload.hbs causes the Google Apps API to be loaded in all Discourse pages, even if YouTube is not enabled in the theme component:


… I wonder, is there any way that could be conditional based on the toggled YouTube setting in the config? As it stands now it is causing some browsers to throw flags of “trackers”, which might discouage some people that wanted to go Vimeo-only. :slight_smile:


@downey Thanks for flagging this, not sure if you’ve seen the related theme component, that’s the one that will be maintained, so i will make the change there

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Wow, we are using the plugin and works very well!

I wonder if could be possible to display gallery and not files clicking the upload video button from mobile?

That could improve a lot the UX without too much effort but I really don’t know if that needs too much development or could be modified by changing a single directive.

I can eventually test those changes if you need it.


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that is cool but no people update

Is this plugin maintained by anyone now? I bothered my friend to help me with the installation, but the compilation failed

I really like this plugin. What can I Do? It seems that the author of this plug-in no longer makes use of this forum.
Can the official development plug-in support it? This allows you to actually host the video on Vimeo and, for users, actually publish it in a forum. My Forum is aimed at people in their 60s.
If not, they may not upload videos, but they have simple needs.

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