Modify Reader Mode Color of Hex codes

Is it possible to change color hex code to #000000 instead of your current colors ?, The Current one is not real black.


Use inspect element in your browser to identify the selector. You should be able to see the CSS used.

Create a custom Theme component and add your selector

Some-selector {
        background-color: #000000 !important;

The important overrides the color to your preference.

Looking at the code in GitHub looks like these 2 selectors. Note check The theme component to see if there are settings first to adjust the background color

I checked the component in my site no settings to change so try the first selector below in a custom component in common CSS. Test and if needed add the 2nd selector with the codes below. My skills are still fairly basic. But I think should work.

.reader-mode {
  .d-header {
    background-color:  #000000 !important ;

The below may also need to be overridden. But try the above first & test. The below code might need some other things overridden. Let me know and will see if I can identify what else may need to be adjusted.

 .topic-area#topic::before {
        background: #000000 !important ;



Taking a deeper look. Change your Theme’s dark mode Secondary color to the black hex code.

My code above will have undesirable side effects of forcing black background on both Light & Dark mode. Making light mode unreadable.

So I recommend modifying your Dark color scheme. The Secondary to the true black.

If the Dark color scheme is part of a theme you will need to copy clone it and modify your copy with the new value.