GitHub plugin does not accept personal access token

I am trying to configure the GitHub plugin for our discourse-hosted FOSS project site, but the “GitHub client secret” setting rejects the token: github_client_secret: Value doesn't match the required format. My token is in the (not that) new format that starts with ghp_ (see Authentication token format updates are generally available - GitHub Changelog) – could it be that the plugin hasn’t been updated to accept that format :thinking: ?


Hey Marcel, welcome back!

I think you are not using the correct setting.
GitHub client secret is a core setting to configure GitHub login (to sign in to Discourse with your Github account); see Configure GitHub login for Discourse. It requires the creation of an OAuth App.

What you’re looking for to configure the GitHub plugin is here (type plugin:discourse-github)

Or click on Settings:

Then, you can use your personal token with GitHub linkback access token setting.


Oh, :man_facepalming: – you are absolutely right… Thanks for your help!