ActivityPub Plugin

Thanks for the feedback guys :slight_smile:

@hellekin This will address the exceptions you were reporting. @mcdanlj It will also address the second exception you reported (same issue).

@mcdanlj The first issue you reported is a little stranger how frequently are you seeing it? Could you possibly share more details?

Thanks for the feedback on that, will definitely consider it in phase 2 of the work :+1:

I think thatā€™s probably not going to happen in phase 2, but noted :+1:

Editing is only disabled on the content of the post that makes up the Note. If you donā€™t use the Note tags, thatā€™s the first 500 characters, or whatever you set activity pub note excerpt maxlength to. One of the things Iā€™m definitely considering for phase 2 is to require [note][/note] tags for a Note as I can see confusion arising out of this.

You can address this by using [note][/note] tags to separate the Note from the other content.

Noted! We havenā€™t explicitly tested this with wiki posts. I havenā€™t been able to reproduce your issue with deleting wiki posts so far. Can you reliably reproduce it? Iā€™ve added some specs in this PR which are all passing for that scenario, but keen to get to the bottom of that one.

The excerpt parsing is currently handled by the same system used by the topic excerpt parsing in Discourse (for the purposes of the topic list) which is probably why it cut out a fair chunk of that (topic list excerpts would have as well). I think we might need to use a separate parser as I can forsee this creating a few issues. Sit tight on this one; itā€™ll definitely be addressed in phase 2.

Keep in mind that you can change the display name as much as you like and that the limitation on changing the username is not unique to this plugin. So while what you say is true, this is true for a fair chunk of the fediverse.

Moreover, I havenā€™t included the username in the Actorā€™s id, partly to allow for the possibility of adding the ability to change the username in the future.

The pluginā€™s ActivityPub data is abstracted from Discourseā€™s data. Thereā€™s no inherent limitation in changing the Discourse model (i.e. what category) an actor is associated with. You could even possibly associate the actor with a different type of Discourse model in the future, i.e. associate an Actor you created for a category with a user instead (the relationship between Actors and Discourse models is polymorphic). Not saying these will be explicitly added as features, but more to say that there arenā€™t hard limitations in this respect.

In general, yes itā€™s worth considering what categories you want as actors, but overall this implementation has a relatively high degree of flexibility so your degree of concern should be relative to that context. Iā€™ve explained a little more about the nature of the data flow in the plugin, which further elucidates this point, here

Thanks again everyone! Itā€™s great to have engaged users.