Add to homescreen banner on Android

In order for this to “Add to home screen” banner / button to show both of the following must be true:

  • Your site is served over HTTPS.
  • You can add HTTPS / SSL / TLS support to your own site via Setting Up Let’s Encrypt with Discourse Docker.
  • AND the already mentioned: The user has visited your site at least twice, with at least five minutes between visits.

Google also comments:

If a user dismisses the banner, will it appear again? No. Not unless the user clears their history. We want to make sure users have a good experience. We will likely be changing all the heuristics over time.

Will the criteria for App Banner activation change over time? The criteria for App Banner activation change over time.

We can’t give specifics right now but as we better understand what makes an experience the user will want to install we will want to make sure the criteria are updated and also well understood for developers.