Can Discourse ship frequent Docker images that do not need to be bootstrapped?

This is why I don’t understand the controversy over decomposing docker containers for Discourse. The best practices are out there and available. Docker itself (not docker-compose) natively supports even single-node swarm mode as one of the primary supported ways of running (using a version of a docker-compose). While the devs continue (fairly) to suggest that someone who wants the feature submit a PR to implement such a change, the fact that third-parties have nowhere near the application and code-knowledge required to do so in an architecturally elegant / sustainable way. The fact is that there is no open-source forum software with the same featureset and quality of Discourse. But the fact remains that this is accruing technical debt from a deployment side as it fails to follow the best-practices and utilize the native features of the build system it uses.

As in commercial software, so too in open-source projects & products the market will decide. The desire to follow standards and best-practices has already resulted in multiple codebase forks. Eventually, if this desire isn’t met, another project will take its place that doe, or a fork of this project will succeed while this one is abandoned. Of course, this won’t take weeks or months but years. The Discourse team are great developers with a tremendous product. I have no doubt they know and love their product more than anyone else. But rather than having folks who know docker attempt to modify this powerful and complex app to adapt it to best practices / standards / native docker features, why not undertake to learn them full (since you are already using them) and leverage the power of compose-based (even multi-stage) builds to deploy your app?