Can Discourse ship frequent Docker images that do not need to be bootstrapped?

There is a lot of knowledge in our base image, we install particular versions of ImageMagick, pngcrush etc. We install a particular version of Ruby and jemalloc.

When it comes to running Discourse we are particular about using unicorn and forking out sidekiq to conserve memory.

Nothing is stopping you building images base on our base images and then launching them with composer if that is how you roll.

But there is a lot of knowledge baked into our process you are throwing away if you simply put your hands up and say “you are doing it wrong” and go and start from scratch.

On topic of compose:

  • How are you going to run asset precompilation and db migration?
  • How are you going to allow people to run plugins?
  • How are you going to ensure people don’t have 700gigs of log files that are not rotated?
  • How are you going to provide your users with a 1 click upgrade from a web page?