Can I target a style with CSS?

Thank you so much. That certainly helps.

As an example, I have instances of Graceful installed. A graceful theme for Discourse which I now realize you published as a continuation of a previous style.

In my universal theme component, I’ve done things like upload background assets, change the like button and a few other things but I’ve realized that I want to change the background color in the one using the dark pallete with what ever I want without affecting the one using the light pallete.

To be exact this:

background-color: $primary-very-low;

Now, I want to do as much as possible in one theme component since its technically the same style, until little things like this started to come up, that were not universal changes. I don’t want to have to make a “Dark” component and a “Light” component if possible.

The goal here is to leave graceful alone apart from palete alterations and do everything from our own component, so that when you or someone else pushes an update to them, we don’t have to keep reapplying our edits.

I noticed that Discourse is big on variables which I love, reading through the theming guides has been a treat. I noticed things like [data-topic-id=“117”] exist, so maybe something like [data-theme-id] can be pitched?