Central Theme Header User Icons

Hello @digitaldominica! Apologies I haven’t checked the thread in a bit since I’m pushing the next update soon. Everyone has such valuable feedback but if I don’t look away I’ll have the tendency of adding it to my current list rather than saving it for the update after. :sweat_smile:

@Arkshine is correct. It is a pretty hacky method working within the constraints of a theme (much of Central is just prototyping as I’m a designer first second and third, developer fourth).

I will give a step-by-step guide on how I achieved the rough prototype in Central. But disclaimer, this solution may not be future-proof if we ever make a core update to the user menu, and there may be a more optimal way to create the component.

Step 1: Create a custom user menu component

Create these files—

:page_facing_up: /javascripts/discourse/components/header-user-new.js
:page_facing_up: /javascripts/discourse/components/header-user-new.hbs

import Component from "@glimmer/component";
import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking";
import { action } from "@ember/object";
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";

export default class HeaderUserNew extends Component {
  @service currentUser;
  @tracked isActive = false;

  constructor() {
    this.handleDocumentClick = this.handleDocumentClick.bind(this);

  toggleDropdown() {
    this.isActive = !this.isActive;

    if (this.isActive) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        document.addEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick);
      }, 0);
    } else {
      document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick);

  handleDocumentClick(event) {
    const dropdown = document.querySelector(".header-user-new__menu");
    const isClickInside = dropdown.contains(event.target);

    if (!isClickInside) {
      this.isActive = false;
      document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick);

  willDestroy() {
    document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick);
<div class={{concatClass "header-user-new" (if isActive "active")}}>
  <button class="header-user-new__button" type="button" {{on "click" this.toggleDropdown}}>
    {{avatar currentUser}}

  <div class="header-user-new__menu">
    <LinkTo class="header-user-new__profile" @route="user.summary" @model={{this.currentUser}}>
      {{avatar currentUser}}
      <div class="header-user-new__profile-info">
        <span class="header-user-new__profile-name">
          {{#if currentUser.name}}
        <span class="header-user-new__profile-view">
          View Profile

        <LinkTo @route="userActivity.bookmarks" @model={{this.currentUser}}>
          {{d-icon "bookmark"}}
            {{i18n "js.user.bookmarks"}}
        <LinkTo @route="preferences" @model={{this.currentUser}}>
          {{d-icon "cog"}}
            {{i18n "user.preferences"}}
        <DButton @action={{route-action "logout"}}>
          {{d-icon "sign-out-alt"}}
            {{i18n "user.log_out"}}

For now I will leave the CSS styling up to you, but it’s important to include this bit for the toggle effect—

.header-user-new {
  &.active {
    .header-user-new__menu {
      display: flex;
  .header-user-new__menu {
    display: none;

Step 2: Register the component as a widget

Create this file—

:page_facing_up: /javascripts/discourse/widgets/header-user-new.js

import { hbs } from "ember-cli-htmlbars";
import RenderGlimmer from "discourse/widgets/render-glimmer";
import { createWidget } from "discourse/widgets/widget";

export default createWidget("header-user-new", {
  tagName: "li.header-dropdown-toggle.header-user-new",

  html() {
    return [new RenderGlimmer(this, "div", hbs`<HeaderUserNew />`)];

Step 3: Add the widget onto the header, replace existing user icon with notification bell icon

Create this file—

:page_facing_up: /javascripts/discourse/initializers/header-edit.js

import { h } from "virtual-dom";
import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api";
import { iconNode } from "discourse-common/lib/icon-library";
import I18n from "discourse-i18n";

export default {
  initialize() {
    withPluginApi("0.8", (api) => {

      api.reopenWidget("header-notifications", {
        html(attrs) {
          const { user } = attrs;

          let avatarAttrs = {
            template: user.get("avatar_template"),
            username: user.get("username"),

          if (this.siteSettings.enable_names) {
            avatarAttrs.name = user.get("name");

          const contents = [h("div", iconNode("bell"))];

          if (this.currentUser.status) {
              this.attach("user-status-bubble", this.currentUser.status)

          if (user.isInDoNotDisturb()) {
            contents.push(h("div.do-not-disturb-background", iconNode("moon")));
          } else {
            if (user.new_personal_messages_notifications_count) {
                this.attach("link", {
                  action: attrs.action,
                  className: "badge-notification with-icon new-pms",
                  icon: "envelope",
                  omitSpan: true,
                  title: "notifications.tooltip.new_message_notification",
                  titleOptions: {
                    count: user.new_personal_messages_notifications_count,
                  attributes: {
                    "aria-label": I18n.t(
                        count: user.new_personal_messages_notifications_count,
            } else if (user.unseen_reviewable_count) {
                this.attach("link", {
                  action: attrs.action,
                  className: "badge-notification with-icon new-reviewables",
                  icon: "flag",
                  omitSpan: true,
                  title: "notifications.tooltip.new_reviewable",
                  titleOptions: { count: user.unseen_reviewable_count },
                  attributes: {
                    "aria-label": I18n.t(
                        count: user.unseen_reviewable_count,
            } else if (user.all_unread_notifications_count) {
                this.attach("link", {
                  action: attrs.action,
                  className: "badge-notification unread-notifications",
                  rawLabel: user.all_unread_notifications_count,
                  omitSpan: true,
                  title: "notifications.tooltip.regular",
                  titleOptions: { count: user.all_unread_notifications_count },
                  attributes: {
                    "aria-label": I18n.t("user.notifications"),
          return contents;
      const currentUser = api.container.lookup("service:current-user");
        if (currentUser !== null) {

The main change was replacing avatarImg(…) with iconNode to use the notification icon over the user avatar by editing (or “reopening”) the existing header-notifications widget.

The original header-notifications code for reference: discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/widgets/header.js at 9bc78625af1d54693bc4f1bad3eaa9161ae030b6 · discourse/discourse · GitHub

And like what @Arkshine mentioned I hid the user section in the notifications menu with CSS.

.d-header .panel {
  .user-menu.revamped .bottom-tabs, #user-menu-button-profile {
    display: none;