Cleaning up our font system

If you’re okay with the relative changes in the font sizes, you can simply set a different font size on the :root element, and the ems will scale to match.


Am I missing something, or is this just a case of not wanting to give a footgun to theme/plugins? Declaring all of these variables with !default seems like an easy way to allow for overriding these.


I don’t believe it worked before because core styles were compiled before a theme could override them? It was that way for colors anyway… I know some things about how we compile SCSS changed so maybe that’s not an issue anymore?

We can also switch these to CSS custom properties like we did with colors if !default isn’t enough.


Derp that’s right. It sounds like custom properties are the right way to go after all! :muscle:


Here’s a refactor for your review, this one may work better to allow any stylesheet to use or update the vars:

OK I’ve wrapped my head around it a little more – Currently, all the variables defined here are able to be read from themes/plugins, but not write new values, as each stylesheet is compiled separately. Adding css custom properties allows themes/plugins to override the variables dynamically, and all dependent stylesheets pick up the new values. :slight_smile:


hey @bekircem with the above merged, you can now add a theme that overrides the base font variables by way of re-defining the (client side) css properties now:

// probably don't use these values, but you can get the idea here:
:root {
    --font-down-1: 0.8em;
    --font-0: 2em;
    --font-up-1: 3em;
    --font-up-2: 4em;