DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents

I have posts that have extra DIVs in their bodies. For example, On Storytelling - Public - Podcaster Community

The DIV which triggers the TOC generation is inside a DIV… and TOC notices that. But other headings, inside DIVs, don’t seem to get noticed by TOC.

…not the best screenshot. That’s an H2 in an arbitrary/just-for-styling DIV which does not appear in the TOC.

…not shown is the <div that triggers the TOC, which is inside the DIV with the crazy attribute/value pair…

updated hours later to add: Maybe just “:scope h1,” etc rather than requiring the headings be immediate children of the scope?

…also, this was mentioned in March '21, DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents - #255 by Ed_Bobkov