DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents


I have a problem with using DiscoTOC, maybe someone has an idea.

Imagine DiscoToc, working perfectly, for a topic, as an example:

  • link a → adds “link-a-1” to the end
  • link b → adds “link-b-2” to the end

Suppose I shared link a with someone: (“…link-a-1”)

Now, imagine that I reordered the topics (I put “link b” before).
Using DiscoToc, it looks like this:

  • link b → adds “link-b-1” to the end
  • link a → adds “link-a-2” to the end

And from now on, the link I had shared no longer works.
I shared (“…link-a-1”), but now the correct one is (“…link-a-2”)

I would really appreciate it if anyone has any ideas.



En-dashes and em-dashes autogenerated by groupings of 2 or 3 dashes no longer work when DiscoTOC is active. Instead of – or — they go back to being -- or ---.


Hope to add an option to support opening the directory function for all posts with one click!

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Error report: When clicking on a directory, the displayed content position does not match the directory’s location

Basically, the current page “DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents” is also incorrectly located.

Can you be more specifici and provide an example. the TOC is loading and working as expected for me on all my Discourse forum instances.

The page you linked loads properly and the TOC is working.


Thank you for your reply. I haven’t found the problem now, but there was indeed a problem at that time.

A post was split to a new topic: Add button to TOC theme component