Discourse as an LMS / Discourse integration with an LMS

Of course, thank you for your interest.

We currently have a community where university-aged young people who want to improve themselves meet. Here, we mainly hold modules on science and philosophy, weekly meetings, and encourage people to make presentations. I also tried to open a forum for this community so that people can have more comfortable and long-term discussions and chats. It is currently private to the community, but we are planning to open it to the entire internet in the future.

Currently, most of the information flow such as daily readings, presentation details, meeting details, etc. is done via WhatsApp. The rate of participants using the forum is still low. We want to both establish a more functional operation and ensure that people enter the forum more by transferring the things we do on WhatsApp to the forum.

  1. Is there a way to send notifications to people when used as a Progressive Web App on mobile phones?
  2. Can we create a system where we can check whether participants have done their daily readings and reward or remind them? (I asked chatgpt about this, it said I could do it by creating a new scenario with the discourse automation plugin, but there is no option to create a new scenario)
  3. Can we create a certification system where we will give diplomas to participants based on their weekly meeting attendance in the modules?

These were the features I have been looking for for a few days. If you have features that you think would be functional in a similar system, I am open to them.

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I used a system of badges for assignments. Students would create a topic with a tag for the assignment and if i :heart: ed it, they get a badge (with badge sql). I wrote a script that would read a csv file from the schools lms and update it so it could be uploaded back to the school lms.


Yes, absolutely to the PWA.

Can you elaborate on this? Have you tried adding a new automation via the admin dashboard?

And as Jay says, badges are a good way to do this.


I just looked again, I have to enable notifications in Discourse settings. Thank you.

ChatGPT misled me a bit, I understand now, but the method it told me doesn’t seem to work.

Thanks for the answer.

As I said, can I make a system where I can reward users who leave emojis on their daily reading posts just by using BadgeSQL? Should I do this by giving them badges, does the leaderboard system require a bigger effort? And if you can provide a guide or a starting point for BadgeSQL, I would be very happy.


The leader-board plugin didn’t exist when I did this and I haven’t done much (anything?) with it.


If the badge thing works for you, then a plugin (or perhaps something that calls the api?) that would automate creating the badge with the associated SQL would be a good idea.

If it’s a daily one, then there could be some way to make the badge SQL grant a badge for yesterday; or just have a single badge that can be awarded multiple times and grant a badge every day that they post the emoji.

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