I’m fairly new to Discourse, so apologies if this is not the right place for it. How can I support this feature (set the week starting date to Monday in calendars)?
Starting on Sunday is really awkward and confusing for us.
Make a topic in feature with the tag calendar-and-event , I think.
I don’t know how, because nowadays week starts from monday. Because it doesn’t follow my personal language setting then it may follow language of forum?
And this I found.
So, if it shows sunday starting a week there is either a bug, forum is un-updated or you are usin some other calendar-plugin?
Hum, I have updated both discourse and the plugin yesterday, it’s the right plugin, and my weeks are still starting on Sunday. That’s weird.
Edit: the category calendar starts on Sunday, but the calendar in the post starts on Monday. That’s probably a bug.
I think it is expected to work like this
Ah, let me have a look since I’m in the vicinity.
Just a small update that I took a look at “Monday”. It’s a little interesting because it looks like we’re doing all the correct things in setting up the calendar.
Ideally what should happen now is that we use your site’s locale to set the calendar’s locale (not user’s locale). If we use “en-gb” for example, it should use Monday per fullcalendar/locales/en-gb.js at v4.0.0-alpha.3 · fullcalendar/fullcalendar · GitHub, though I am seeing that is not the case despite the docs saying so - weekNumberCalculation - Docs v4 | FullCalendar.
We can force a “Monday” by using an “ISO” setting on the calendar itself but it does not feel right.
In any case stay tuned for an update. We are using a very old version and could use a refresh.
Hello! I’m planning to integrate this plugin with events on Jitsi and I wonder if there is possible to display the birthdays of users as events?
That should enable cool automations to engage
Have you seen the Cakeday plugin?
It sounds to me like you are wanting an automation that creates a topic when a birthday rolls around with the event already added to the topic. That way people could be invited to join in a discussion to share pictures or whatever to celebrate a member’s birthday. And you could also schedule a birthday party using jitsi!