Events Plugin πŸ“†

A few updates here.

New maintainer :tada:

@fzngagan Is a new co-maintainer of this plugin and will be taking on the day-to-day of dealing with bug reports and feature requests. He’ll be giving it the attention it deserves, particularly making it more robust, e.g. with more tests coverage, and building new features.

Email notifications

To resolve this for the immediate-term I’ve had to remove all event details from email notifications. Email templating has undergone a considerable overhaul meaning that re-introducing email details into emails is a now seperate feature.

The task for re-introducing email content into notifications is here if you want to follow allong:

MIME type issue

@csmu This was fixed a while ago. See:

Review issue

@DavidO This is lined up to be worked on here:

Recurring events

@sfoster The task for this is here if you’d like to follow along: