Feedback on admin sidebar when header dropdown navigation selected

Yes that is it indeed.

As for wanting to make the admin area non customizable imho is counter productive.

Customizability is a hallmark of discourse. Theming, components and plugins allows customizing the XP and should be that way for admins as well.

Discourse in base install is the default XP without using optional add one. It would be like deciding to ditch the add ons for a more streamlined and consistent XP.

Now for some good case uses. Often some have difficulty migrating to discourse due to the changes in interface their used to. So what if a thene-component is made to help new admins on a migration? Ie flarum(so?) Admin like interface?

Discourse like Linux users customizations to create unique XP and also creates interfaces that mimic other OS interface to make things easier to switch due to being more similar. Like Awesome it’s Redditish theme and the Fakebook themes.

Default out of the box should be standard before using customizations.

I think this topic has started to stray away from its original point so I’m going to close it off.

I think sticking to separate topics for specific ideas is definitely the way to go for feature requests and ux suggestions. :+1:

Though do bear in mind the comments already given for what the plans are for the future of the current dual navigation options.