Fully support Android Chrome's "Add to Homescreen"

Thumbs up for more app like feeling. “Why isn’t there an app for Discourse” is something that has been asked in our trial of the platform. Not an entirely easy answer for non-technical users.

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Nice, this is the idea. With app banners landing somewhere after March (1.6 beta start) it will be even easier to non-tech to “install” Discourse.

Looks like the orientation on the manifest file isn’t a suggestion, but rather a lock :sadpanda:. I will test when at home if I can safely remove this.

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Any other tweaks needed here @falco?

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I need to:

  • Check portrait lock
  • Instantiate the service worker only on Android as per @eviltrout advice.

This week I can fix those.


I just did the changes pointed by @eviltrout

I’m open to make any adjustments.


Loaded this today on Meta and my own site. Very nice!

But a question, how do I change the icons? Home screen icon is not matching our favicon and the splash screen is blank.

Also some people have the option and some don’t …

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It’s using apple_touch_icon_url,

It shows following google rules.


Great work on this! :fonzie:

You’re very welcome to start a (linked) fresh topic to properly introduce the feature, that way it’s easier to share in a tweet as well :wink:


I did manually remove both and then manually re-add them using the Chrome menu “Add to Home Screen” because I wanted a shorter title under the icon, e.g. just “Meta”. :slight_smile:

Discussion continued here: