GDPR outside of the EU

This seems like a good topic to try a small experiment of including an AI summary in a post within the topic (though manually in this case :slight_smile:):

The discussion started with post 1 from Wombat asking if GDPR only applies to users in the EU. post 2 from Jagster clarified that GDPR regulates services/sites that have EU users, regardless of location.

Wombat then asked some follow up questions in post 3, noting their understanding that GDPR requires allowing user account deletion. Jagster responded in post 4 that anonymization is enough under GDPR, not full deletion.

The discussion explored details around GDPR’s territorial scope in posts 10-25, with RGJ and Jagster clarifying that physical presence in the EU determines applicability, not citizenship.

Wombat asked if the UK’s exit from the EU impacts GDPR there in post 16. Stephen explained in post 26 that the UK did implement GDPR-based laws in their 2018 Data Protection Act revision.

Jagster pointed out in post 27 that companies have to apply the same rules to all users equally. The discussion wrapped up with RGJ and packman warning about relying on informal GDPR advice in posts 32-36.

Summarized with AI on 16 Sep

I think the post numbers are sightly off due to some post merges, and it didn’t include the donkey, but here it is. :slight_smile:

Probably also worth repeating the earlier note about getting legal advice: