High-CPU / High memory on fresh discourse install


  1. I am using a reverse proxy network because it is recommended as optimal for using the proxy container that I run all of my solutions with.

  2. As mentioned in my original post, I am using jwilder/reverse proxy, which uses the VIRTUAL_HOST env variable to proxy the web traffic based on host name. This has been extensively talked about here at meta, and it works quite well. I have no issues with that part. More about that here:


One of the biggest questions I have about having to run Discourse on a separate machine is, why docker, then? The other thing… The minimal resource requirement is 1GB. I can’t for the life of me understand why 4GB or even 8GB would not be enough, for operation in a shared container environment. This is an on-premises ESXi vm setup, sure, I could create a separate virtual machine for this… But the question remains…why docker, then? I am assuming that by “my configuration” you mean my docker version, host OS etc (since I posted my app.yml config already). It is as follows:

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS x64

Docker-ce 18.06.1-ce