How can I call third party apis in discourse

Use the backend to make the call:

  • if you need this to be secure,
  • if you need the backend to process the result
  • if the call(s) may be long running

If long running put it in a Job.

That will require some Ruby in a Plugin and one of the above mentioned gems.

It’s not necessarily all that easy to get into Discourse plugin development, it’s a big complex, opinionated platform, but there are good official guides on here and LOTS of existing open source plugins to look through (see #plugin and links to github). Try to find one that does something similar and look at how it is solved in code.

If it’s superficial consider a Theme Component. Look at the Theme Development guides on here.

Look at examples, like this one: discourse-tc-quote-of-the-day/get-quote.js.es6 at master · merefield/discourse-tc-quote-of-the-day (