How much is Discourse affected by a faster CPU?

Some command line rebuild numbers:

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

I did this in two consoles, triggered by pressing enter at the exact same time on the last command. I stopped the clock when the command line prompt returned from the rebuild.

Digital Ocean droplet

(different droplet, but I verified same E5-2630L CPU as in first post, 2GB $20/month droplet)

37:45 → 46:51 = 9 minutes, 6 seconds (546 seconds)

Ali Express box

37:45 → 41:38 = 3 minutes, 53 seconds (233 seconds)

So a rebuild is 2.3x faster.

I know @sam has been working on rebuild speed improvements for the last 2 days so I thought he might be interested as well.