How to anonymize your links in Discourse?

Sorry, but that example you found there is the implementation of a dereferrer and would not hide the referrer when clicking e.g. on that external link you just posted except if you had manually added the part in your post.

If the Discourse team comes to the conclusion that they don’t want that feature (with or without the optional part), I will have to accept that. But there’s still a chance that they like it (and implement it) or at least don’t mind, so that it could still be implemented as a community PR or hypothetically as a plugin (which would need groundwork though).

Sorry, but that example you found there is the implementation of a dereferrer and would not hide the referrer when clicking e.g. on that external link you just posted except if you had manually added the part in your post.

And if that is true, then thank you for pointing that out. But my point still stands that there are options available that do not require the need to make a substantial edification to the source code (hence, the work, the time for that) for this specific feature.

You already pointed out a way to do it using an existing feature (and thank you for doing that; I appreciate it as I too wanted outbound links scrubbed). If others want that, they surely would come to Meta and search for it.

You are welcome to submit a PR for it, or build a plugin. That is what those options are there for.

I would like to, but:

  1. PRs need to be discussed on meta first.
  2. As of today, this is currently not possible with the plugin api.

And to clarify: I’m not asking anybody to spend time or make “substantial edification to the source code”.

It be that if the solution is as easy as what you already described above.

I have not seen a rule anywhere that requires PRs to be discussed before being made. If you have a link to this, please show me.

But as you said

So, if it is a delicate corporate issue, these admins would be aware of it and can take two minutes to put the customization in Admin, Customize, Header as @riking mentioned. So it is a rare issue, which has an easy solution.

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As I understand you, this will not be a feature by the Discourse team, right?
Then let me dig deeper:

  • Could this be a feature if the PR came from the community?
  • If not: Could this be a plugin feature if the PR for the required PluginApi extension came from the community?

The strongest part of your argument is that this is an important issue for corporate users. @codinghorror’s point is that a corporate user should have a reasonably competent sysadmin who could in 2-20 minutes solve this problem in a way that met the organization’s particular needs.

But if you think a plugin that would solve this problem would be useful (even just to you), you should write one and post here to let people know! Perhaps it’d be useful to lots of people. If that were the case, it would likely get sucked into core on down the road.

Clarification: This issue affects all Discourse instances that have non-public topics with external links.

Indeed , But most people aren’t concerned about the issue.

https installations don’t send referrer to external sites.
so it’s no problem for most installations.

wrong, no referrer https=>http, but on https=>https it sends a referrer
it can disabled by meta tag: <meta name="referrer" content="never">

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just to clarify, is this the correct implementation? (@riking @claas)

Looks correct to me. You should view source with it enabled to make sure though.


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