Configure sign up and log in with Auth0 using the OAuth2 Basic Plugin

its fine, i can get around that by returning my id as part of the app_metadata.
I have 2 issues remaining in this regards, and will start looking now, if you have info on these please could you direct me to the right approach:

1- Im guessing once ive logged in to discourse successfully via oauth2 plugin, after logging out when i retry a login, the auth0 lock widget remembers the user and offers option to login by just clicking email address link. This process fails as no json is returned, and im assuming the correct scopes are not being passed to the auth0 end point, though those scopes are defined inside discourse? (FIXED - seems to work now, using the scopes specified in the oauth2 plugin scope config. Only issue i have seen is that the json is now restricted to just the ID, and not the email nor other details, only in the silent case).

2- On successful authentication, a popup box appears in discourse asking user to choose/change nickname and username. Can this be bypassed?
