HTML/RTF pasting

Tried to read all of the post, but after the first several started to just skim them.

Also tried the on-line converters with

\+ exist

A \= b

but they did not convert the \ to \\ so instead the code\text comes out as

+ exist

A = b

Our site (SWI-Prolog) is for the Prolog programming language SWI-Prolog and many post contain Prolog source code. Since Prolog is a logic programming language built on three basic logical operators, and, or, and not, and not is typically represented by the character \ when used with common operators, e.g.\=/2 and \+/1 and Markdown uses the \ as an escape character,
often operators that are pasted when inline and not in code samples don’t show up as \= or \+ but as = or + because the Markdown conversion eats the \ thinking it is an escape.

Can this be fixed. :smiley: