Hi @RBoy, thank you for the feedback and the suggestion!
An editor plugin would be great, but it’d be a lot of effort to read the source code of discourse to understand the logic of handling emojis and defining the heading/anchor text and create a repository of the plugin.
A (seemingly) simple plugin like Spoiler Alert is a big repo and I don’t have a bandwidth to fully commit to the development. So, I hope Discourse can prioritize feature requests like Automatic Table of Contents generation and develop an native feature in the meantime
Below is the version with the bullet points. The spaces between <ul>
and <ul>
are rather too large, so I preferred the original unbulleted version.
javascript:(function() {
const copyForumTocToClipboard = function() {
const urlMatch = window.location.href.match(/\/t\/[^\/]*\/\d+\/?(\d*)/);
if (!urlMatch) return;
const postIndex = 1;
const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('#post_' + postIndex + ' div.cooked h6>a.anchor,h5>a.anchor,h4>a.anchor,h3>a.anchor,h2>a.anchor,h1>a.anchor');
let toc = '';
let currentLevel = 1;
anchors.forEach(anchor => {
newLevel = anchor.parentNode.nodeName[1];
levelChange = newLevel - currentLevel;
toc +=
((levelChange >= 0) ? '<ul>'.repeat(levelChange) : '</ul>'.repeat(levelChange * -1)) +
`<li><a href="${anchor.href}">${anchor.parentNode.textContent}</a></li>`;
currentLevel = newLevel;
if (newLevel > 1) toc += '</ul>'.repeat(newLevel - 1);
toc = '<details open><summary>Table of contents: </summary><ul>\n' + toc + '</ul></details>';