Aside from the points that have already been discussed, I’ve noticed that writing Ember apps in CoffeeScript also just feels a little off. Several of the niceties of Ember, like computed properties, are expressed as extensions on the JS Function prototype:
MyApp.president = Ember.Object.create({
fullName: function() {
return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
}.property('firstName', 'lastName')
This requires you to use parens in CoffeeScript, which kind of defeats the purpose of the significant whitespace:
MyApp.president = Ember.Object.create
fullName: (->
@get('firstName') + ' ' + @get('lastName')
).property('firstName', 'lastName')
In addition to that, there’s the CoffeeScript class vs Ember extend() stuff, CS iteration vs Ember enumerables, etc. I just think there’s enough of an impedance between using CS and using Ember to make it more appealing to just use pure JS with Ember.