Managing group membership via authentication

Ok, I finally have a work in progress to share here

A few notes.

I’ve gone for the slightly tricker case of google apps hd groups for the initial implementation as I think it helps to think through the possible permutations of this, e.g. the need to account for domain-specific groups from a provider.

To implement that use case, I’ve also had to introduce a new concept of “secondary authorization” at the point of authentication, to allow for incremental authorization. I considered a few different ways to implement asking for specific user’s group permissions (i.e. if they were authenticating with a hd), and this seemed to be the most feasible. I appreciate this is perhaps a bigger change on that front than anticipated, but it’s perhaps worth discussing.

Note that to implement the google hd groups case you need to give the non-admin members of your google apps hd groups delegated admin authority in order to list their groups (via the admin directory API). There’s actually a “beta” pre-built administrator role called “Groups Reader” that works well for this. See Pre-built administrator roles - Google Workspace Admin Help

The Google implementation works. If you set it up and then authenticate with a hd your google hd groups will be available in the automatic group membership setting, you’ll be added to that discourse group if that hd group is selected, removed if it’s removed (with both actions logged with some specificity), and subsequent users in that google hd group who authenticate will be added immediately.

The details should be evident from the code and the specs. You’ll also notice that I’ve ended up adding three new tables. I attempted a few more "lightweight’ solutions, but they each ended up being more convoluted and inefficient when it came to handling updates to a user’s associated groups and a group’s associated groups. It’s hard to avoid just creating new tables for each. Open to ideas on the data modelling front though, and more generally.

Some technical todos left (aside from the conceptual/product questions raised above). Suggestions also welcome on this front:

  • Perhaps serialize the associated_groups label (instead of modelling on the client).
  • Add missing specs and qunits
  • Perhaps move user_associated_group / group_associated_group creation/destruction to a background job, as with large numbers this could be slow.