More data in user approval

As one strategy to combat a current spam wave, we’ve enabled user approval.

When I’m looking at a as-yet-unapproved user, I see only the info they filled in in the signup form:

But we’ve realized that the problem is coming from a specific subset of IPs and those IPs generally resolve to one of two companies. So for nearly every user, I end up clicking through to see the IP and then doing a lookup on it.

And then I go back to the review queue to either approve or delete

It would be really helpful if the IP and the lookup button were presented in the review queue. :awthanks:


I think we have theme component for that you can install. :+1:

Not sure it has a meta topic?


Or a description in the repo :sweat_smile:

Nonetheless, I’ve installed it, but I’m not seeing any change, even in the component preview. Even after a hard refresh.

Did I miss a button somewhere?


Hmm :thinking: It seems to be working for me on my test site:

Though now you mention it, I’m not sure I see it in our review queue here on meta (and it is installed).


And… you’re seeing it on a post and not (necessarily) on a user?

ETA: Altho… I’m not sure where in your screenshot I should be looking to see the IP lookup?


No, I’ve spotted what it is for meta. It doesn’t show on reviewables that now have deleted users (I remember it borking out when it tried previously). I can see it if I scroll to an eligible one.

Let me check a user approval one on my test site. :eyes:

(and I put a better screenshot in the post above)

No, you’re right. It doesn’t seem to be appearing for a user approval reviewable. Let me see if that’s intended…


I really think that a linting rule requiring something in about.json and/or not having the default would be a good idea. Maybe have it triggered by setting a non-default version number? And then a Best Practice would be to set some version number before the thing was deployed (otherwise, one would be required to make up something that’s completely bogus before they made their first commit?).


Hey @ganncamp
I’ve updated the theme component to bring it at par with the Discourse updates. Although the support for User Reviewable isn’t there still as the Backend doesn’t support sending the IP address of the User Reviewable currently. I’ll discuss internally and let you know what we think about this change.


Would it be possible to style it properly for the mobile too? Currently the ip lookup modal is completely out of the viewport in the post review screen. Thanks!


@fzngagan your PR title is

FIX: mordernise js, prevent display on ReviewableUser (#5)

Did you really want to prevent display on users?

Because it’s already not there.

Also, when you said this:

I kinda assumed that meant adding a repo description :sweat_smile:

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Just until the backend provides the IP address. Not meaning to keep it that way.

I’ll get to it soon.

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Hi @ganncamp
The good news is, this feature is merged into core Discourse so you no longer need the theme component for this.