Moving from sub-categories to tags?

Hmm, you would need to have console access in order to run any of the bulk operations scripts/tasks. On our hosting we are happy to run one-off bulk operation scripts/task for customers, so I would reach out to your hosting provider and see if they can take care of it for you.

In my mind, this is how I would handle your steps:

  1. Easy enough to do from the UI
  2. Bulk Tag All Topics Within a Category
  3. Move all topics from one category to another
  4. Either through the UI or rake destroy:categories[10,11,12,18,30]
  5. Probably easiest through the UI
  6. UI
  7. UI

There shouldn’t be any need to do anything with db:migrate. If you can have your hosting provider run the necessary bulk operations tasks for you, then that would be more efficient than using the API.

I would check on whether your hosting provider will run the task first then decide what to do from there.