Mybb.rb imports nothing

I have 2 droplet on Digital Ocean. One for my main site. (Mybb) One for Discourse. I am working my Discourse droplet now.

I did these things:

Create droplet.
Install Discourse.
Create admin user, use install wizard.
Create database backup from the Mybb.
Install mysql server 5.7 for Discourse’s droplet.
Create database for Discourse’s droplet.
Transfer old database to new like that. (Discourse’s droplet)
mysql -uroot -p oldddb < newdb.sql
Check database, it’s ok. The operation is successful. The tables are transferred.

After, I followed the procedures @precessor mentioned:
cd /var/discourse/
./launcher enter app
apt-get update
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev nano
gem install mysql2
su - discourse
cd /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts
bundle install

nano mybb.rb
RAILS_ENV=production ruby mybb.rb

And I got the output I shared…