Password reset email should send IP info

well that’s bad, as it seemed like it wasnt much of a hassle to do it and i’m sure alot of people would’ve liked it

Well it was apparently enough of a hassle that a satisfactory PR wasn’t produced. Feel free to create a new, suitably-improved PR if you want to move this feature forward.


well i got a lot of password request from my username (admin) and its really frustrating since i cant block whoever tried to reset my logins. its a really nice features if can be implemented

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exactly, PR doesnt need to be “improved” in any way, my post was clear and logical

You should be able to correlate the requests in the access logs with the timestamps of the reset requests. It’s not sufficient for regular users, but for admins you can go to town.

Your post is not the implementation.

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i went to access log in my nginx setup in discourse after running the enter app launcher, unfortunately, i already mask all the ip with cloudflare. however, this is not the one im looking for as this access log only logged an active user not the one who ask for the reset password

If this can be engage in the new update, it would be a really great features.