This sounds very promising!
I’d be very curious to see it integrated with the Assign and Tickets plugins as well, so that specific people could be assigned to specific tasks.
My need is to have a basic project management tool for an open-source project that is using Discourse for the similarly open-source management of support and documentation. It would be nice to have everything in Discourse rather than use some 3rd party tool (which often limit the permissible number of free users).
Assign and Tickets aren’t working well together right now, but I suspect they’ll serve my needs for the most part. But adding a bit more structure with this could be helpful!
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Hey, are you still here?
We want to use your plugin for our challenges sub-forum that will give gamification points to users that complete and work in the challenges.
But we can use too for our community tasks like complete glossary category, change topics related to Y to wiki_ or tag all topics related to X (because tagging from querys could leave some topics alone).
The plugin is stable? I will try it on our dev instance but I just like to say thanks! And I hope that helps (if you come back into this development).
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It is not stable. I added the broken tag now to clarify that. 
The original intent of this plugin was to manage dependencies between tasks and calculate time estimates for the whole project based on that.
That sounds interesting. A bit similar to a bounty public goods funding system, right?
Could be, but I suspect not so much. You see, our trust system will be accesible sharing info and reading our forum but paying for subscription too.
So quests or challenges should make the way easier to gain free access. Adding specific actions to that sub-forum will be mandatory to differentiate it from default categories (without plus EXP on our trust system).
Thanks for your quick reply 
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