Quote context impacts functionality of quote

I have users who edit their quote syntax poorly and cause the quote function to fail. For example we have this one from a current topic. This is un-escaped:

[quote=“CFO.Digest.Input, post:1, topic:3258”]
he suggested that I put mineral oil back in. [/quote]

The problem is that the /quote is in stream, while the opening quote is on its own line. I have found that you can do either, but they must match. For example this works (’ added to escape the function):

'[quote=“CFO.Digest.Input, post:1, topic:3258”]
he suggested that I put mineral oil back in.

and this works:

'[quote=“CFO.Digest.Input, post:1, topic:3258”]he suggested that I put mineral oil back in.[/quote]

… but you can’t mix the modes.

I know someone will say “then don’t do that” or “Use the quote button” but we still have users out there who won’t do it right.

Isn’t there a way to parse this so the modes can be mixed?

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