RAMP accessibility issues

The blank alt attribute itself is ok… that’s supposed to signal to a screen reader that the image is decoration only and it can be ignored… BUT we also include the title attribute… so this can be problematic sometimes according to `img` with null `alt `and non-null `title` attributes - Screen reader compatibility

Some screen readers are properly ignoring avatars, but others are reading the name/username twice because of this.

I made a PR to remove the title attribute from post avatars:


This is the input where we show the URL to copy and share, PR to add an aria label here:


I couldn’t find this one… might be based on site settings? need to look a little more

We don’t label this for sighted users because we can glance at the column and make an assumption about its contents… that’s a lot harder to do if you can’t see… adding a label for screen readers makes sense:


The remaining issues I didn’t cover are button-related, I still need to look into those…