Set up Mattermost notifications using the discourse-chat-integration plugin

@david here’s a video… mattermost discourse trama - YouTube Discourse told me i could send you a DM - and since it’s a video of my admin page i figured I’d try that… then it told me ‘access denied’ so here it is in public…

Thanks… I WAS able to sub categories using the slug using the slash command! I am sure I tried that… Or so I thought… but great, that worked…

I’d still like to have ALL the categories with one rule though. Would you give the video a watch and lemme know where i am failing?


EDIT: I see now why my rules were ‘missing’ (in the video) it’s because it was unclear in the page i was on slack/mattermost setttings (which are at the top that page)

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@david sorry for the bump but… well… not sorry? :confused: thanks

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Sorry for the delay @Clint_Dovholuk, and thanks for posting the video!

In terms of the Slack/Mattermost confusion - if you disable the 'chat integration slack enabled` setting in the admin panel, then the Slack tab should disappear, leaving just “Mattermost”.

There is a UX issue here on our side. The option labelled ‘(no categories)’ is what you need. But clearly that is an awful label name, and we need to get that fixed up.

In terms of the slash commands, were you able to give this a try?:

(i.e. omitting a category name completely)

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if you disable the 'chat integration slack enabled` setting in the admin panel, then the Slack tab should disappear, leaving just “Mattermost”.

yep. i’d already done that :slight_smile: and since i can only upload ONE image (which is lame) i’ve had to screen cap the rest of my response (see below - this used to be three images but i’m only allowed to post one)

Solved! Thanks so much

proof my ONE rule works! yay!


I think this document should be updated. A lot of this stuff is inaccurate… unless I’m using an older verion of mattermost but I do not think so…