Sorry, there was an error authorizing your account

Can you give a little more detail in what was wrong on the other end so people looking for this error might use this to fix their issues?

I’m one of those, authorizing discourse against mattermost and I’m a little stuck with a similar error:

Started GET "/auth/oauth2_basic/callback?code=<redacted>&state=<redacted>" for <IPv4> at 2020-02-07 13:07:46 +0000
(oauth2_basic) Setup endpoint detected, running now.
(oauth2_basic) Callback phase initiated.
(oauth2_basic) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error,
Started GET "/auth/failure?message=invalid_credentials&origin=https%3A%2F%2F<discourse_FQDN>%2Flogin&strategy=oauth2_basic" for <IPv4> at 2020-02-07 13:07:47 +0000
Processing by Users::OmniauthCallbacksController#failure as HTML
  Parameters: {"message"=>"invalid_credentials", "origin"=>"https://<discourse_FQDN>/login", "strategy"=>"oauth2_basic"}


Hi there,

not anymore, I´m afraid … we had a call with one of the eam guys, and during the call he had a big revelation about what he did wrong. The bad thing is, that he never told me exactly what that was :frowning:

Sorry dude…

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I might be late to the discussion, but I faced a similar issue recently. In my case, the problem occurred after I installed Discourse and integrated it with Google Sign-In. Initially, everything worked fine, but I later deleted the original droplet (server instance) and reinstalled Discourse.

During the reinstallation, I reused the same Google API credentials for the integration, which led to the error message:

“Sorry, there was an error authorizing your account.”

After some troubleshooting, I realized that the issue was with the reused credentials. To resolve this, I created a new set of Google API credentials for the integration. Once I updated the configuration with these new credentials, everything started working perfectly!