[spoiler] does not support emoji

i’m having trouble parsing this, why would this not be a bug? Okay so emoji aren’t supported in spoiler, that turns my first example into a feature request, but the second example has to be a bug. Look at my second example:

[spoiler]prefix text <img src="/images/emoji/emoji_one/+1.png?v=0" title=":+1:" width="20" height="20" class="emoji" alt="+1"> Suffix text[/spoiler]

this produces bad output where the manually placed emoji is spoilered, but the text is not, even though it is clearly marked to be spoilered in the markup:

prefix text +1 Suffix text

or an example that doesn’t use an emoji:

[spoiler]prefix text <img src="//assets-meta-cdck-prod-meta.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/2/4/245f54ed160ca0a7315e55e66f50ffda001ba9f9.png" title="discourse"> Suffix text[/spoiler]

prefix text Suffix text

Clearly spoilers work for images, and they work for text, but they do not work for text and images, regardless of the source of the images. That is a bug.