Summary Email Changes

It’s done!

New settings:

Preheader: you can control what people see in their inboxes by editing the text user_notifications.digest.preheader in Admin > Customize > Text Content. It doesn’t appear in the email, but email clients should use it as a summary of the email, like this:

digest posts: A new setting in Admin > Settings > Email that controls how many posts to show in the “Popular Posts” section.

Changed defaults

digest topics: This setting used to default to 20 and has been reduced to 5. If you had already changed this setting, then it won’t be overwritten with the new default, so you may need to lower it.

Remaining work

:white_check_mark: Preview in Admin is wonky.

There are still some minor issues in Outlook 2010 and 2013 (but not 2011…):

  • No way to add border-radius to avatars, so they’re square.
  • Some vertical alignment problems.
  • Cell padding is sometimes too small.

Awesome! Is it possible to configure the colors within the email?


Not in this release, but perhaps in future releases.

:+1: Having the email template colors match the color theme set in Admin (or being able to configure them there) would go a long way in making our branding team happy.


Continued here: