Switch the new sidebar from left to right side (english forum)

Has there been any easier way to do this yet? Have any plugins or components been created?

I made a Theme Component for thisā€¦


Nicely done! :clap: :star_struck:


This should be another request, but we need an user setting for that. Some of my users would like to get on right side and I want keep it on left. Because Iā€™m the master of everything my opinion wins, butā€¦

Sure, I could duplicate themes but having a lot of similar themes where the only difference is location of the sidebar, but that is just dum.

Butā€¦ AFAIK practically all of my registrate users and for sure all of active ones are using mobiles, and there isnā€™t bigger difference between left and right. So I donā€™t see that question so important either.


I like the idea of using the theme toggle to provide a variety of layouts. I think itā€™s a terrific idea.

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Well you could add logic.

  • If not you move sidebar. :joy:
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